Up-dated April 30th, 2002
sometimes it gets to the point that i pray to the lord to forgive me and
help me to not drown in a river of my own sorrows, but to build a bridge
to get over them
I love the way you caress my hair
Your sense of humor embraces my heart
With out your smile I go insane
Your gorgeous big blue eyes drive me mad
Your compassion captured my soul
You make my stomach do summersaults
You are the reason I believe in true love
How could I survive in this world,
If you weren’t standing by me
For once in my life,
It’s I who has what everyone else is searching for.
I have your love with me far and wide
And for all of this, I love you with all my heart and soul
Melissa Robertson
by Nichole Shaver
I’m leaving now,
The time slipped by so fast, somehow,
I’ll never forget you and your smile,
We probably won’t see each other for a while,
But I know this to be true,
No matter how far away I am,
I will always love you,
And if we are really meant to be,
Then I hope you’ll wait for me,
Wait through the darkest night,
Wait while I’m not anywhere in sight,
Promise me that you’ll never cry,
Even on this sad day that I am saying good bye,
We will see each other again, I swear,
Wherever I may be, my heart will always be there,
To get you through good times and bad,
Happy times and sad,
Tell me that I’m your one and only,
Tell me without me you won’t get lonely,
Because I will be with you night and day,
Kissing everyone of your tears away,
Telling you that in the end,
Everything will be okay.
I cried because I love you I cried because I care I cried cause when I
needed you the most you were not there.I cried because you're happy now and
I am not that way I cried because there are a million things unsaid that I
want to say I cried because you're over me and I'm not over you I cried
because you're the only one I have when you've already found someone new I
cried because I love you that's really it I swear I cried hecause I
love you and I cried cause I'll always care.
"It used To Be"
It seems as if the world moves on but you stop and look back to the way it
used to be when I did not know you and you did not know me and you want me
to look you in the eyes and tell you that you haven't caused me pain? Well
I'm sorry but you have an I for one can not live like this knowing that the
friendship we once had is lost somewhere deep in your heart so I will wait
here forever and more untill you see that day by day hour by hour you are
slowly but surely breaking my heart
So what's left to say, is there anyone else to betray?
From trust, to truce to murder.
I didn't acknowledge the screams but i sure heard'em.
Life slips by slow and at times fast.
Regardless its too short, we need to make it last.
There comes a day for everyone when the wont see the rising sun.
They're gone in the blink of an eye to see thy kingdom come.
And no matter how hard you wish or how hard you may cry-
It doesn't bring them back, not even to say goodbye.
So Cherish every moment, especially those few and far between.
Because although today may last forever, tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Liz Koenig 4-18-02
I thought you'd always love me.
I thought you'd always care.
But since you don't know, you don't see the fear.
I feel no emotion left inside my life.
Because I have no one to be by my side.
Please don't say you left me.
Please don't make me cry.
Because I still love you and you didn't say goodbye.
I guess I won't say nothing, cause you've stolen my soul.
So please forgive me I fell as though to die.
Angela Burgardo
Dry your eyes little child
for it wasn’t meant to be
things are this way for a reason
oh child I wish you could see
no more worries my child
ill be there fare until the end
you have your whole life to live
each day of the setting of the sun
so when your eyes water my child
dry them really fast
for tomorrow will be here
for tomorrow’s here at last
Your Hateful Blaze
Rachel Colleen Hart
I am sitting all alone feeling so numb
Knowing the pain you caused I will never overcome
All the harm you caused
I am sure you broke all the laws
But you standing there with a smile on your face
And me tearing away trying to erase
I prayed all night that I would die
I wish that you would say goodbye
And leave me here with the memories
Why its worse than any kind of disease
The feeling I have will never go away
Your treating me like I'm your prey
Why do you love to see me in pain?
Your doings are inhumane
Your horrible ways
Your hateful ways
Two hearts beating in a distance, a mother bares her child.
Now alone in solemn silence scared without a doubt.
This poor child was abandoned, no family, no home .
When people see her on the streets the think they should help her
but they refrain. This child grows up no life of her own .
No words to be spoken ,no way she could know ,how much her
mother loved her ,how much her mother cared . Her mother didn't abandon her
she died giving birth there.
Girls today
Are unknown
They’ve changed
Not loyal
Not fair
No quality to share
Where’s the pigtails?
Where’s my doll,
Not a question no more,
But pure sarcastic speech
Which comes from those who teach
To destroy
In old eyes awful
Young to cool they are.
Leaders they say
Step by step
It’s a path
Is it not?
Not a path of life
But a cliff
i feel her.
i feel her like i feel the sun on my face
just like cool water on my body
and my toes in the sand
i feel her.
everywhere and everything is her,
in the laughter of children,
in the music of nature,
and alone, she is here.
everywhere and everything is her.
i need her,
i need her laying next to me,
like a farmer needs a farm,
and a singer needs a song
i need her.
i love her.
loving her makes me love myself,
makes me love the world,
makes me love all that is,
i love her.
without her.
without her i am invisible
without her i fear,
without her i can't feel,
and without her, i am.
it's all her
You can’t hide
If you’re dead inside.
You can only
Raise a stink!
Sleep deep and beautiful falling around me like a shroud covering my busy
Stars flicker above like a candle feeling a gentle breeze
The moon pale in color holding centuries of mystery
My sheets silky to the touch
My pillow cradling my head
Dreams legato
flying through the air like a graceful bird looking down upon the earth
Wild imagination beckoning me
Dreams making me laugh and sometimes cry
Dreams adrift with sweet abandon
Dreams calling my name
Dreams that dissipate with the rising of the sun
tamela ireland
Jay W Rittenour
My heart beats wildly when you are close
so painful is my heart's desire.
Sweet ecstasy is your voice
that each word is my completion.
You art the flame that blazes
hotly in my souls furnace.
All competition shines dimly
when compared to your beauty.
I am tortured for my desire for you is secret.
Maybe this day I shall shout your name.
Ah but what is there to gain
for you already know your name.
I Woke Up This Morning
Brandy Cantrell
I woke up this morning
Not to see you cry
But to look at the sun
Through your eyes.
I woke up this morning
To hold you in my arms
So you would feel safe
Nothing meant to harm.
I woke up this morning
To touch your skin
Feel your heart
So you would let me in.
I woke up this morning
For one sweet kiss
Not to realize
All of what I had already missed.
I woke up this morning
For your satisfaction
But for me to make you happy
Is my only fascination.
Love your self
"I'm reaching out to no one"
To The girl with sad green eyes
"I'm a listening ear to no one"
Her voice so softly cries
"I matter only to no one"
She tried to hide her tears
'Only no one cares for me"
loss is in her fears
"I live for no one"
There's fire in her soul
"I have no one to protect"
The girl has lost control
"No one knows me"
She kneels and prays
" I can save no one"
Her body wastes away
Jo. O'Neil
Sealed Fate
No No No
Yes yes yes
I don't know
Maybe ill guess
I want to scream
just because
I'm sick of the system
And what it does
And how it changes
A persons mind
From sensitive and caring
To cold and unkind
I'm sick of the crazy thoughts
Like hate and suicide
And i remember the nights
I laid there and cried
Now i've learned not to cry
Or respond to a caring touch
And the things that used to matter
Now don't seem to very much
I'm afraid of who ill be
When my warmth turns cold
And i no longer trust anyone
With my feelings to hold
I'm really trying to make it
But the disappointment is trying my strength
And I've fought for so long in this unfathomable length
Its like a bottomless pit
Only I'm not falling
I'm on my knees
Forced to keep crawling
tina tinat
His arms were the passage to her paradise.
His chest was the simple answer to her perplexing questions.
His hands held and guarded her heart from the impurities of the darkness.
His eyes were a mirror, reflecting her love right back into her eyes.
His lips, saturated with passion, were an euphoric adventure where she knew
she could safely get lost amidst a galaxy of rapture
--For she knew he would meet her there
The Horizon of Forecasted Possibility
Brendon Ward
IN the horizons sky
There's a hole up there
And it never gona rain again
I see those stairs
My destiny is calling
Angels are falling
How do we reach that seventh Heaven?
Or that third Hell?
Mystery of chance
Infinite options
When the Gods choose the down pour
No shelter
From what is season
Through Rain and Wind and Sun and Hail
It all falls down
Not catchment space
All are dying
None are dry
I and I and I and I and I
You Never Asked
Jacqui Evans-McLeod
You gaze at me in wonder
Of what on earth went wrong
Trying to see beyond
What my eyes hold
Into a soul
So hurt
To reveal it
Would be a burden you could not bear
You turn away
And shake your head
Confusion in your mind
You look back
In anger
For words that remain unsaid
I stare
As I watch you walk away
Tears streaming down your cheeks
Motionless, I remain
In state, awaiting
My final journey
You turn back
And approach me yet again
Lean over
And whisper in my ear
“Why didn’t you tell me?
Why didn’t you let me know?”
As you walk away
I whisper silently
“You never asked”
I Can Only Imagine
I can only imagine
What it would be like
to lay beside you
in the middle of the night
I can only imagine
you kissing my sweet lips
to feel the soft touch
of your finger tips
I will always love you
any time and any place
I will always love you
and your angelic face
I will always love you
every smell and every taste
When your with me
my heart starts to race
I can only imagine
taking long walks in the park
you take my gentle hand
we talk long in the dark
I can only imagine
you fishing for my heart
but you don't have to
you had it from the start
I will love you forever
forever and ever always
I will love you forever
'Till the end of our days
I will love you forever
every hug and every smile
in all of my dreams
your holding me a while
I can only imagine
your blue sweater on my floor
the lock is locked
the lock on my bedroom door
Rat Race
by R. Sauer
I grow weary of this rat's race
living life at a frantic pace.
Forever falling one step behind
never to catch-up in my mind
To labor a lifetime as short as this
earning no more than a moments bliss
Eager for the scythe to fall
to end this race and leave it all
To leave this life so far behind
and finally have a silent mind.
Midnight Music
Melissa Sparling Zini
Doesn't the moon look lonesome
Shining through the trees
And blowing on the meadow
Is a soft summer breeze.
This is my favorite time
The time that I like the best
When the leaves are rustling slightly
And the breeze plays a song at my request.
Doesn't the moon look lonesome
Shining through through the trees
And in the wind is a melody
Playing softly just for me.
Luke St. Clair
There she lay day after day
Curled up in that darkly striped ball of fur,
Those yellow eyes opening halfway
As a sudden noise makes her stir,
Those ears twisting and twitching and straining for a sound;
That creature that sleeps yet is always awake.
In the distance, a twig falls to the ground.
Her ears spin about sensing none of her nine lives at stake.
Again she is at rest yet those ears are at work,
Her belly gently rolling in and out;
It is all just another pleasurable perk
Of being her servant there is no doubt.
I give her food and shelter for all her days
And she pays me back in these subtle ways.
By: Ivonne M
Writing words, he wont believe, broke words he wont receive.
Words that try to cure me of his pain, words that hold me in the dark,
Words I try to make sound nice.
Nicer than my world that's empty now, nicer than the way he made me feel,
Nicer then the beauty of his skin.
Words to understand my self, words to empty out the darkness i still feel.
Words to take this ugly line seam not so bad,
Words to make my sadness drown.
Now when words are all I have, its not enough.
This empty words escape my lips, and try to make him hear.
Now, written words don’t solve a thing since he won't read.
Now words don't mean a thing, and all this emptiness you read, all this
broke words you see,maan nothing to the ear that cannot hear, and the blind
who cannot read.
Now living out in empty space, my words float in the air.
And deep inside my empty lie, I sit here still.
Almost hoping, wishing, he will come across mistakenly,
To words i still can't say to him...
Time Lost
Courtney Susoeff
Sometimes as I lie alone,
I watch the time fly by,
Thinking of all I have lost,
Wondering why I try.
Sometimes It seems I've nothing left,
Save the sorrow trapped inside,
From time to time I try to break free,
But from myself, I cannot hide.
I long to cease these memories, From bringing out my tears,
The tears that I have kept inside,
For many of a year.
Things, for me, were just so hard,
I think of times from my past,
I used to wonder every night,
Just how long this nightmare would last.
Those times are gone forever,
And never will they return,
For that, part of me is happy,
But a part of me still yearns.
For time that was so wasted,
With abuse, nightmares and lies,
It's hard to let go of such trauma,
Especially viewed through my own eyes.
I am but fourteen years old,
And I'm lucky to be here today,
Because often I was saddened,
And my frail life was slipping away.
I have seen so much more,
Than any child should have to see,
And I have lost so much more than I admit,
For my childhood was stolen away from me.
Red Antorium
Darius Gabriel Bugarin
memories of you keeps me awake at night
looking at our old photographs together
keep on glancing into the garden
where the red antoriums are--
can't imagine why you are gone?
you fade away like a wind blow
i never know what i've done
you never told me even once--
but i am glad you are happy
hope you find your real one
someday, somehow, i'll find mine too
and we will both be blessed with love-- time goes by
all the flowers in the garden
will soon be dry as my tears
and its' memory will be my impulse
to remember the love that we've shared--
you have loved me once
and that once is forever
like the memories of the red antorium
Faithful Friend, Heavenly Father
By Keisha Laverack
My faithful friend
you've never left my side,
Even when I hurt you
even when i lied.
You love unconditionally
you shelter me from pain,
In your arms I am safe
from the storm...from the rain.
My faith in you is unbreakable
my hope to please you is stong,
I only pray my reasons
aren't wrong.
With you is where I want to be
blinded by your light,
basking in your love
safe in your sight.
Red and swollen your eyes filled with pain
Echoes of those hurtful words they say
Under wind swept rain, you fall down and look for me
Ill wipe those tears away
A hero, i'm not going to fail you today
Take the world off your shoulder
Grab you close and hold ya
Not gonna lose, no way
Your hero, forever ill stay
Fly in on the wings of the angel
Go through hell to heaven
Sit on the cloud God made us
Be far from shame, look how far we came
A hero, i love you standing here i above you
If you hear this song
Heaven is where you belong
Far from the ones that hurt you
Not gonna desert you
A hero, i stand your strong loving man
If you need me call my name
By Michael
Maybe if I told her,
Maybe I should show her,
It would be so much better,
But I doubt it would bring any change,
Maybe if I showed her all that I am,
Maybe if I got on the phone and let her know,
No, No, No,
I just got to let go
Last November
T.K. Valmont
Last December I tried to think of the last time
I told you I loved you, and I didn’t know
I know now that I was wrong
I only wish that you knew that
I miss you… more than the liquor, or the nicotine
You had become my addiction
Last November you left me
I didn’t know that you would leave my life
You once said that I was your world
Didn’t you ever realize that you were my universe?
Last January I sat in the tub with a razorblade
I wanted to see the blood, just to know if I was alive
As the water turned pink
I knew that my heart was still beating, even without you here
Last February I realized that we can’t go back
I really hope that this new guy does right by you
I only wanted…
I only want what is best for you
Never has anything brought me as much pain, as you did
Yes, I have my regrets, but loving you is not one of them
Last May the snow melted, washing away into the river
I only wished that I could do the same
The flowers began to take a new life
And then I knew it was time for me to do the same
Today I wrote you this letter to let you know
Even though we both love another now
I still love you…
Always & Forever
The rose answers with aromatic molecules,
Each molecule full of atoms, each atom humming.
Each particle has a name and a story to tell.
In the waterdrop on the tip of the leaf
A proton named Gloria Dali
Smiles at Salvadore, her electron,
Who is a swan flying far overhead.
Her heart is his center of gravity
As he flies in perpetual orbit.
She hears his call and looks for him
As he proudly and swiftly moves on.
Page Copyright © 2002.

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