Sea Shell Game #47
Judged by Richard Watkins
October 12, 2001
August sun,
the first yellow leaves
on the birches
attic shelf
children's school books
filmed with dust
Ku 1 has helped me clarify the matter of capital letters. In this
case August is capitalised because it is a proper noun. To insist that
it be written in small case, i.e. august, would change the meaning. I
have yet to locate a reason for this restriction of capitalisation in
traditional haiku other than it has been accepted as one of the conventions.
But having taken care of that minor point I am no closer to a decision about
these two ku. There is a sense of colour beyond the leaves implied
in ku 1 and perhaps a feeling of approaching autumn. The feeling of ku 2
for me is one of nostalgia. Although the children may have left home
remnants of an earlier, hopefully, care free existence remain. Who knows
perhaps to be reclaimed or cast away when the home no longer exists,
either way a poignant thought. Since one of the basic conventions of
haiku is that it reflects nature I choose ku 1 for the next round.
the cricket chirps
beneath the rotting log
white mushrooms grow nearby
dandelions nod
seeds loosened by the wind
gliding through the fence
The last word in ku 3 interferes with an interesting potential perspective.
By omitting that "nearby" the poet would have allowed for a more
clearly defined image. Then the reader could pause after chirps to
establish the fragment followed by the phrase, to use Reichhold's term.
Otherwise one ends up with a long phrase of two lines.
Ku 4 on the other hand offers an image of movement.
Attend to the verbs used and you'll see it is a gentle movement...nod,
loosened, gliding. Initially I was puzzled why "gliding"
was used instead of "glide" then I later realized that the gerund
gives the poem a sense of the moment i.e. happening in the present. Ku 4
to the next round.
twenty-three black cows
graze in a sunny pasture
one watches me
this unsettled day
when all that is for certain
is the weight of rain
Here we have the rare occasion when two ku present opposite feelings. I
am amused by the 23 black cows chewing their cuds and having a look around all
except for one. But isn't that often the case with cows? At least
with the ones that live at the bottom of the hill at my place. Ku 6 on
the other hand offers a different more pessimistic tone. Perhaps it is
very appropriate in these times but for the moment I'll go with that one
watchful cow for the next round.
morning frost~
the paperboy's footprints
wind down the block
elm shadows-
sidewalk slabs
Well there is no questions about the kigo, season word, in the case of key 7.
In some circles kigo are an absolute requirement but not in these
circumstances. What we have here is a straight forward image on a cold
morning, nothing mysterious...prosaic for that matter. Not so with the
next ku, #8. Here we have a touch of the shadow world and its
impact on our perceptions. This has definite possibilities.
Let's pass this one up and see what develops.
Bird song
glides on a note
alto wings
caught by the stoplight
circles widening
in a puddle
What would have happened if the fragment, alto wings, had been placed at
the beginning of ku 9? That would have established a touch of mystery to
be re-enforced by the play between alto wings, song and note. Also
notice the focus on two senses, i.e. auditory and visual. We hear
the song and see the bird glide. I can't grasp the connection
between stoplights and circles widening so we'll glide on to the
next level with birdsong.
Rashly stepping out
A winner is defeated
Athlete's foot
starless night ~
on my black coat
There is no question in my mind between these two ku. For one reason
there are capital letters in ku 11 and for another I'm missing something in
the chain of thought. So ku 12 moves ahead.
A cushion of air
carries dried flower petals
earthward their job done.
Yellow flowers fall
Flaming arrows fly
Beautiful silence
There is a very nice thought in ku 13. If anything the ku is verbose and
perhaps cumbersome, eg wouldn't "down" serve as well as
"earthward"? As I say I like the image but I think it
needs more work. OK so first off the capital letters rise up followed by
the brevity of the lines. Can you tell us more about the flying flaming
arrows? At this point I'm tempted to say "So what?"
Let's follow the petals and drift down to the next round.
beauty is the key
feelings are the unlocked door
use your mind to love
silent on the ledge
a cat seems not to notice
this praying mantis
Writer of 15 check out the information on the ahapoetry website for haiku.
It might help you realise some of your goals for poetry. Ku 16 goes to
the next round.

August sun,
the first yellow leaves
on the birches
dandelions nod
seeds loosened by the wind
gliding through the fence
A quick comparison of these two and I have no problems sending ku 4 to the
next round.
twenty-three black cows
graze in a sunny pasture
one watches me
elm shadows-
sidewalk slabs
The matter is not so clearly cut in the case of these two. Part of my
problem is I can recall seeing scenes described in both of these delightful
ku. Let's go with subtlety and look into the elm shadows in the next
Bird song
glides on a note
alto wings
starless night ~
on my black coat
Ku 9 presents a nice combination of senses and cohesion in the selection of
words but I really like the image or contrast of a starless night played off
against the whiteness of the flakes on the black coat. Nice touch.
Please advance to the next round ku12.
A cushion of air
carries dried flower petals
earthward their job done.
silent on the ledge
a cat seems not to notice
this praying mantis
I like the idea of a cat and praying mantis being in close proximity.
Perhaps the cat is copping a bit of a snooze in the warm sun as the mantis
checks out his surrounding environment with his antennae. Both ku
present natural occurrences but I like the cat and mantis one best.
Please advance.
dandelions nod
seeds loosened by the wind
gliding through the fence
elm shadows-
sidewalk slabs
I had second thoughts on this pair. Actually I asked for some
consultation and references on the nature of haiku. I even hesitate
to use the word nature because, to me, haiki is a very illusive something.
I mentioned the subtlety of elm shadows earlier. So let's have a
look at that shadow. They could include the leafy foliage of the elm
and copy the shape of the roots beneath or uprooting the cement slabs.
Of the two ku I feel this one is the more engaging of the two and
therefore choose it to advance to the next round.
starless night ~
on my black coat
silent on the ledge
a cat seems not to notice
this praying mantis
Ku 12 is very efficient in that an entire scene has been presented in
just seven words. That takes skill and effort. Can you feel
the scene? A dark, starless and cold night. Contrasted with
that are the snowflakes, white for an instant after they land on the
coat, then dissolved to crystal droplets on the fabric of the coat. One
can almost feel the cold seeping in through the coat on that starless,
dark night. A very strong ku. Compared to the cold dark
night I see here in #16 a contented cat dozing on a stone ledge in the
midday sun, perhaps even purring a bit. Do cats purr in the
absence of humans? In contrast to that tranquility is the praying
mantis whose antennae are twitching and trembling as they gather
information from the surroundings. How do they read the cat?
Is the cat really not aware of the insect? Or is it perversely
playing cat and mouse or mantis if you will? This presents a
contrast between the two critters. The contented cat and the
disturbed mantis. I don't know can one speak of a mantis being
disturbed? Perhaps this is where the Zen nature of haiku
enters. And perhaps I am dithering. Starless nights offers a
good deal more than cats and mantises. It is more open.
Starless nights to the final round.

elm shadows-
sidewalk slabs
starless night ~
on my black coat
Now having arrived at this point I realize I'm in over my head in
choosing the best of these two. For that reason I defer to the
editor of the game. Over to you Jane.
I find that both of these haiku are interesting for their first
lines. See how no other phrases could be substituted for these? This
is called being exact and poetry is nothing if it is not precise. I
can only agree with Richard that we have a tie on our hands.
Congratulations to donald j. lanska f and to gill for two excellent
The Winners are:
elm shadows-
sidewalk slabs
donald j. lanska
starless night ~
on my black coat
gill collingwood

Copyright © Individual Authors 2001.
Commentary Copyright © Richard Watkins 2001.

Let me read another Sea Shell Game
Show me the form so I can submit my
haiku to the Sea Shell Game.
Maybe I need to read up on haiku.