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XVI:3 October, 2001 |
A Journal for Linking Poets | ||||
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In these Participation Renga from Lynx
you will find links from:
AB BJ CC CF CG CSK dht DR DWP EF ESJ FA FP FPA GD GM GR JAJ JC JMB JR JS JSJ KCL LCG LE LJ MHH ML MM MWM Mary Wittry-Mason N NA PC PGC PJS PS R RF SCH SD SMc TLG TV TW WR YH ZP LYNX PARTICIPATION RENGA HOW TO DO IT To join in participation renga, read the whole poem, especially the last line or lines in italic. Read the "rules" as stated under the title. Pick the link in italic you find best, worthy, interesting and write your responding link. Check the hokku poet's rules once more to make sure yours fits.Send the title of the renga, the link and author to which your link with your initials responds. Subscribers may send in up to 10 links total. You cannot respond to your own links. To start a participation renga, submit a hokku; (the first link (stanza) of a renga). The hokku usually contains the title of the renga. Your submission should indicate a title; the theme or premise (if any); the format (3-line links, 2-line links, etc.); and the total number of links that will complete the renga (not over 12, please). When you start a renga, think of it as YOUR renga and keep working with the new links as they arrive. Too often a renga is started but not "cared for" later. Lynx does not edit hokku or links in this section. However, links that clearly neglect the hokku poet's guidelines will not be published. Once a renga is established, Lynx publishes all branches of that renga, as long as poets keep feeding them links. Lynx drops any hokku or branch that no one feeds. The previous links are printed in one line just to save space. Send your links to us
by email with the words "participation renga" as subject line.
LYNX January 1, 2002
[Remember: only links
written in italics are open for your new links.]
AT THE BEACH fulfilling a last request tourists wading in surf eyes open for sharks GD receding wave from afar ~*~ fulfilling a last request in rain the rocks find their colors cg drilling three holes - spring clear air deep in the wave missing the obvious
GENTLY WIPING DUST gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october
windsong TW under the window
~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH battery low the calculator reads "ERROR" GD the new player late for the first game RF dealing cards to an empty chair careless of how they land GD face-down $10,000 poorer CC richer for the experience bottoms up YH "How do you stop a wino from charging?" CC at the end of that rainbow no credit card cg back to the diner waiting tables JSJ old woman slips jelly packets into her purse cg mistaking a condom / for a condiment GD runs her tongue / over red lips, / snaps her purse shut cg Quiet out at sea the boat sinks JMB hot songs melt the wax from sailors' ears GD listening to a star leaving the lake WR heaving light ~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting down the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH was never very good at math MHH one more short story attempt into the waste basket GR sharp edges cutting through the trash bag shadows leaking out GD thickening juice from the black beans can JMB long time on shelf honey crystallizes sticky jar JSJ mustard seeds pop in hot oil GD it will be a cold day in July when I cook again YH even the firecrackers refuse to light – a rainy fourth! dht indoors all afternoon two boys play Civil War one gray; one blue RF turned up by the plow / a musket's firing plate GD breaking / in the dustpan / last wedding cup cg after three years divorce papers JSJ Solomon sharpening his sword CC she leaves in the nick of time ESJ trio of melting clocks chime to the tune of "Hello Dali" CC digital flicker liquid after the rainstorm ~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH battery low the calculator reads "ERROR" GD the new player late for the first game RF dealing cards to an empty chair careless of how they land GD face-down $10,000 poorer CC richer for the experience bottoms up YH "How do you stop a wino from charging?" CC at the end of that rainbow no credit card cg back to the diner waiting tables JSJ old woman slips jelly packets into her purse cg mistaking a condom / for a condiment GD runs her tongue / over red lips, / snaps her purse shut cg Quiet out at sea the boat sinks JMB hot songs melt the wax from sailors' ears GD The Great Lost Kinks Album needle stuck in the last groove CC "Just a little prick" ~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting down the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH was never very good at math MHH one more short story attempt into the waste basket GR sharp edges cutting through the trash bag shadows leaking out GD thickening juice from the black beans can JMB long time on shelf honey crystallizes sticky jar JSJ mustard seeds pop in hot oil GD it will be a cold day in July when I cook again YH even the firecrackers refuse to light – a rainy fourth! dht indoors all afternoon two boys play Civil War one gray; one blue RF refugee children / strangers to laughter PGC stray sniffing / stranded starfish – / gray sky's cold FPA returning for Easter / without painted eggs / from a far place GM the rabbit in the dark of the moon WR first rays of dawn bantam rooster wakes up the whole family JAJ was it all a dream: cream on top of bottled milk? ESJ The farmhouse mulberry ~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting down the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH was never very good at math MHH one more short story attempt into the waste basket GR sharp edges cutting through the trash bag shadows leaking out GD thickening juice from the black beans can JMB long time on shelf honey crystallizes sticky jar JSJ mustard seeds pop in hot oil GD it will be a cold day in July when I cook again YH even the firecrackers refuse to light – a rainy fourth! dht indoors all afternoon two boys play Civil War one gray; one blue RF refugee children / strangers to laughter PGC stray sniffing / stranded starfish – / gray sky's cold FPA mackerel clouds reach every horizon piling the sea JR broken thermometer poisonous mercury scatters everywhere JAJ driving through a school zone spray of sparrows RF waiting at the end of the block police speed trap JAJ she remembers when fast another hole ~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting down the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH was never very good at math MHH one more short story attempt into the waste basket GR sharp edges cutting through the trash bag shadows leaking out GD thickening juice from the black beans can JMB long time on shelf honey crystallizes sticky jar JSJ mustard seeds pop in hot oil GD it will be a cold day in July when I cook again YH even the firecrackers refuse to light – a rainy fourth! dht indoors all afternoon two boys play Civil War one gray; one blue RF refugee children / strangers to laughter PGC stray sniffing / stranded starfish – / gray sky's cold FPA mackerel clouds reach every horizon piling the sea JR broken thermometer poisonous mercury scatters everywhere JAJ driving through a school zone spray of sparrows RF brownian motion: grandchildren zooming around the room GD radio signal ~*~ gently wiping dust from grandmother's photograph october windsong TW finishing the school of hard knocks YH digital display counting the failing heart GD she tries to add up all the good times YH battery low the calculator reads "ERROR" GD the new player late for the first game RF dealing cards to an empty chair careless of how they land GD face-down $10,000 poorer CC richer for the experience bottoms up YH "How do you stop a wino from charging?" CC at the end of that rainbow no credit card cg back to the diner waiting tables JSJ old woman slips jelly packets into her purse cg mistaking a condom for a condiment GD runs her tongue over red lips, snaps her purse shut cg Quiet out at sea the boat sinks JMB belly up as we like it both WR under revision again my top ten list CC fifteenth time around the block chasing a size 8 ESJ dripping from her neck
JUST DAUGHTERS In the graveyard a carved stone angel with my daughter's face GMgrandma in her rocker turning clouds into faces cg "get water from the well" she said, wanting me out of the kitchen GM mother and son discuss making pickles JAJ sex education must, say the educators begin at home JR old uncle's eyes slowly disrobe his niece ESJ out of the closet two hands ~*~ In the graveyard a carved stone angel with my laughing over e-mail ~*~ In the graveyard a carved stone angel with my daughter's face GMgrandma in her rocker turning clouds into faces cg "get water from the well" she said, wanting me out of the kitchen GM mother and son discuss making pickles JAJ sex education must, say the educators begin at home JR up on the armoire kids find the porno mag JAJ sticky wings ~*~ In the graveyard a carved stone angel with my daughter's face GMgrandma in her rocker turning clouds into faces cg grandpa playing solitaire JAJ "Don't trust. Don't talk. Don't feel." RF blurted out words in grade school the room laughs until I cry GD whispering together in another language late grandparents JAJ prairie grasses flow ~*~ In the graveyard a carved stone angel with my daughter's face GMgrandma in her rocker turning clouds into faces cg after thirty years I still miss her my dead sister JAJ in a dream again back to playing hide and seek WR big sister checks the youngster's breath missing cigarettes ESJ twin sons loving them for who they are JAJ aunts roll their eyes
LA RENGA LOCA L a Renga LocaYour muses lock horns with Night Blooming Jazzman X-treme Poetry – Carlos Colón How easy it is
She wouldn’t be as
SWARMING Storm a hand, shape of wind -John M. Bennett just as the sunflower opens – bees! cg The pounding footsteps blue-light special CC church walls filled with the bees JAJ carrying the birds - idea of food JR
TIME birds winging south / no speed limit / only time JSJ from the top spinning
~*~ birds winging south / no speed limit / only time JSJ behind the screen Sid Melton
~*~ birds winging south / no speed limit / only time JSJ sorting jackets no head carrot and coal
~*~ birds winging south / no speed limit / only time JSJ and opposite sun rise
~*~ birds winging south / no speed limit / only time JSJ plastic birdbath
~*~ birds winging south / no speed limit / only time JSJ lava lamp
WITHIN/WITHOUT sliding open this bathroom window startling Orion -Robert Flannery left the hair with jeans a belt of stars
THISGAMEISENDEDTHISGAMEISENDED What are the rules / for the most beautiful game, / and who can play? RFIf she sends him / one perfect rose / will he call or hide? cg Is it better / to burn? / or to marry? JR Can this phoenix rise again /from the charred ashes of summer? CC dream: butterfly / or butterfly ballot? GD is that just flapping in the wind? ESJ no, but where How do these golden clouds who can tell what seed ~*~ What are the rules / for the most beautiful game, / and who can play? RFIf she sends him / one perfect rose / will he call or hide? cg Is it better / to burn? / or to marry? JR Is anything better than making more nuclear bombs? RF a poor woman birthing her 10th child? JR fathered by a cannibal who is a philanthropist? WR where has the primal horde ~*~ What are the rules / for the most beautiful game, / and who can play? RFWhat are you seeking / when you smile / at strangers? JSJ Where do we come from / Why are we going? GM what's the joke about navel seamen? JR how many syllables does it take to screw up a haiku? CC does it come from your head or your gut? cg How can rain fall ~*~ What are the rules / for the most beautiful game, / and who can play? RFWhat are you seeking / when you smile / at strangers? JSJ Where do we come from / Why are we going? GM what's the joke about navel seamen? JR how many syllables does it take to screw up a haiku? CC how many fools to pull out the chair? JAJ which hurts worse, ~*~ What are the rules / for the most beautiful game, / and who can play? RF is the clock a phone? JMB ~*~ What are the rules / for the most beautiful game, / and who can play? RFWhat are you seeking / when you smile / at strangers? JSJ Where do we come from / Why are we going? GM Do you see that very bright star? JAJ How about in five hundred years? RF Can I buy shares in stockings interneted WR what is the price of peers’ pears
And you? Would you like to do a renga with this bunch of experts?
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Links Copyright (c)
Designated Authors 1985 - 2001. Page Copyright (c) Jane Reichhold 2002 Check out the previous Participation Renga. Feel you need to learn a bit more about Renga? |
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