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Table of Contents
Don't forget-
(Click on the bold-faced section names to find the individual works.) SYMBIOTIC POETRY: APPROACHING SPRING with Fay Aoyagi - renkumaster, Roger Abe, Donnalynn Chase, Anne Homan, June Hopper Hymas, Patricia J. Machmiller, Carol Steele, Kiyoko Tokutomi, Alison Woolpert; TWICKENHAM HOMESTEAD by Catherine Mair & Patricia Prime; THE DAY'S SHAPE by Catherine Mair & Patricia Prime; THE HEART OF THE MOUNTAIN by Giselle Maya & Jane Reichhold; PROBABLY: Three 'real' renga sorta by Marlene Mountain & Francine Porad; WEIGHTED AIR by Francine Porad & Marlene Mountain, DID DUBYA SAY Marlene Mountain & Francine Porad; WHITE FLOWERS by Micheline Beaudry & Daniel Py; UNI - SHUFFLINGS with Words by Richard Kostelanetz, composition and typography by Werner Reichhold SOLO
WORKS Collected Tanka of AKITSU EI translated by Leza Lowitz and Miyuki Aoyama. Just click on the title to see what you think of this book. The New Haiku, edited by John Barlow & Martin Lucas. Snapshot Press, PO Box 132, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 8XS, United Kingdom. ISBN: 1-903543-03-7. Perfect bound, 8.5 x5.5, 224 pages, Preface by John Barlow, Introduction by Martin Lucas, An Introduction to the Origins, Mechanics and Aesthetics of English-language Haiku by John Barlow, Resources, Authors’ Biographies, and Index of First Lines. Ł9.95 US$15.00. Canoa Cheia – The Full Canoe by Rosa Clement. Edited by Jerry Jenkins. Helionaut Press, Louisville, Kentucky: 2002. Saddle-stapled, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, 36 pages, US$7.95. Contact Rosa S. Clement, Rua Pe. Antonio Vieira 126, 69.011 Manaus, AM, Brazil / Brasil. Eucalypts and Iris Streams: Poems by Amelia Fielden, translated by Saeko Ogi. Charwood, Australia, Ginninderra Press: 2002. ISBN: 1-74027130 0. Perfect bound, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, 120 pages, English – Japanese. Contact for more information. M.A.Fielden,10 Delasala Drive,Macquarie Hills,N.S.W.2285 Australia,for US$10,including airmail postage. The Tree It Was by Sandra Fuhringer. King’s Road Press, 148 King’s Road, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada, H9R 4H4. Saddle-stapled, 16 pages, 8.5 x 5.5, US$2.00 ppd. How Fast the Ground Moves by D. Claire Gallagher. Saki Press, Normal, IL: 2001. The Virgil Hutton Haiku Memorial Award Chapbook Contest Winner 2001 – 2002. Saddle-stapled, 5.5 x 4.25 inches, 20 pages, $5.00 ppd. Contact D. Claire Gallagher. Wolf Walk by R. Gray. Philadelphia, Pa, Infinity Publishing.com:2002. Perfect bound, 8.5 x 5.5, unnumbered pages, $9.95. ISBN: 0-7414-1182-2. Contact or call toll-free (877) BUY BOOK. Blush of Winter Moon by Patricia J. Machmiller. Jacaranda Press, San Jose, CA, 2001. Perfect bound, 8.5 x 9 inches, 100 pages, sumi-e by Mary Hill, translations into Japanese by Kiyoko Tokutomi. $16.00 plus $2.50 for mailing in the US and Canada. It can be ordered from amazon.com or jacarand.com. just enough light: Haiku and Tanka by June Moreau. Koyama Press, 84750 St. Martin de Castillon, France: 2002. Hand-tied, 16 pages, 10 x 13 inches, handmade paper. US$15.00 plus $6.00 air postage. Sun Leaves by Predrag Pešič. Published under the auspecis of the haiku magazine Lotos in Smederevo, Serbija, Yugoslavia. Perfect bound, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, 56 pages, bilingual Slovenian and English. Contact Predrag Pesic, Prote Mateje 86/1, 11300 Smederevo, Serbija, Candy in the Rain by Edin Saračevič. Haiku Balkan, Kranj, Slovenija: 2001. Perfect bound, 8.5 x 5.5, 76 pages, tri-lingual, US$10.00 ppd. Contact Edin Janeza Puharja 6, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia. If Someone Asks. . . by The Shiki-Kinen Museum English Volunteers. Published by the Matsuyama Municipal Shiki-Kinen Museum, 1-30 Dogo Koen, Matsuyama City, 790-0857 . Perfect bound, 8.5 x5.5, 76 pages, illustrations, a biography of Shiki’s life, 124 haiku in English and Japanese. Discovering English Ghazal and Uncovering English Ghazal: Journeys into Poetic Forms, Volumes I and II of Series I by Erin A. Thomas. Saddle-stapled, 8.5 x 5.5 inches 34 pages in each. Contact: Erin A. Thomas, 657 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA 95482. LETTERS:
David Bachelor, Debi
Bender, Francine Porad, Marlene
Mountain, Carlos Colón CONTESTS
AND COLLECTIONS: Call for Submissions To A Tea Anthology, The Japan Tanka
Poets' Association contest for the 4th International Tanka Convention PARTICIPATION RENGA by AB - Alice Benedict; CC - Carlos Colón; CF - Vikki Maldonado; cg - Cindy Guntherman; CSK - Carol Stroh Kemp; dht - Doris H. Thurston; DR - David Rice; DWP - Darrel W. Parry; EF - Eric Folsom; ESJ - Elizabeth St Jacques; FA - Fay Aoyagi, FP - Francine Porad; FPA - Francis (Paul) Attard; GD - Gene Doty; GM - Giselle Maya; GR - George Ralph; JAJ -Jean Jorgensen; JC -Jeanne Cassler; JMB - John M. Bennett; JR - Jane Reichhold; JS -John Sheirer; JSJ - Joyce Sandeen Johnson; KCL - Kenneth C. Leibman; LCG - Larry Gross; LE - Lesley Einer; LJ - Lael Johnson; MHH - Madeline Hoffer; ML - Minna Lerman; MM - Marianne Marks; MWM - Mary Wittry-Mason; N - Nika; NA -Nasira Alma; PC - Penny Crosby; PGC - Pamela Connor; PJS - P.J. Sharpe; PS - Pat Shelley; R - Ronan; RF - Robert Flannery; SCH - Suzette Hains, SD - Simon Doubleday; SMc - Steve McComas; TLG -Terri Lee Grell; TV - Teresa Volz; TW - Tundra (Jim Wilson) Wind; WEG - Elliot Greig; WR - Werner Reichhold; YH - Yvonne Hardenbrook; ZP - Zane Parks.
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Next Lynx is scheduled for February, 2003.
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