your works to Lynx
Who We Are

Next Lynx is scheduled for October, 2008
Deadline is September
Mainstream recognition for haiku collection
The news that Roberta Beary’s collection of haiku and senryu, The Unworn Necklace, had been recognized in the Poetry Society of America Awards, reverberated around the haiku community earlier this week, appearing in the top four of Buzz Tracker’s Poetry News ‘Most blogged’. The Unworn Necklace rose into the top 28,000 rankings of all books on amazon.com, and into the Top 50 rankings of American single-author poetry books. As one woman commented on Ron Silliman’s blog, “Beary is new to me, I can't wait to dig into her work.” It was also notable that the amazon.com rankings of other ‘serious’ haiku books rose considerably in the aftermath. If you missed the news, or wish to read more comments and the ensuing discussions, please visit: Silliman’s Blog: http://ronsilliman.blogspot.com/search/label/Roberta%20Beary ; Wordfield’s Haikai Pub: http://haikaipub.wordpress.com/2008/04/22/announcement-roberta-bearys-the-unworn-necklace-finalist-for-william-carlos-williams-award-from-poetry-society-of-america/ ; f/k/a: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ethicalesq/2008/04/22/psa-honors-haiku-roberta-bearys-the-unworn-necklace/ ; Blogging Along Tobacco Road: http://tobaccoroadpoet.blogspot.com/2008/04/roberta-bearys-unworn-necklace-honored.html; North Carolina Haiku Society Blog: http://nc-haiku.blogspot.com/2008/04/roberta-beary-finalist-in-poetry.html. Thank you to everyone who sent in messages to the press and to Roberta. The Unworn Necklace (and many other excellent books!) can be ordered from http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/orderonline.htm – John Barlow.
"I am not a photographer, but I like to take photographs. Photo-haiku (or photo haiga) is my new interest.
Went kayaking last Saturday. Dunham Reservoir is near the Massachusetts state line, about an hour's drive from here. It’s already ice free. It was a good day. Saw a heron, a beaver, and a few Canada geese on honeymoon. Yes, my first tanka was published in LYNX, so was my first renga; the one we
did together.
in the light
of longer days
your arrival
I like this poem by Keiko Imaoka:
brilliant light
from her cupped hands
a gift of tanka"
Thank you, Jane. Yu Chang
and thank you, Yu, also for reminding me of Keiko's poem. I had forgotten
it, but it is so like her, a person I do not want to forget. Your
letter has added another level of delight to a beautiful spring day.
\o/ Jane
Dear Werner, Sorry about the delay. I have been back and forth with Volume 3 'insideoutside'. Publisher is using a new printing company, and the has been a degree of 'cover curve' unacceptable to him. So, it looks like it is being reprinted. (I think I may keep the first run as well. If not, back to the pulping machine! In between this and having family descend, I have been reading Inter Genre Poetry. Doing it this way means reading and rereading.I really liked Jeffrey Woodward's Commentary, which about says it all. What sticks out most for me is the sub-text message that such experiments and innovations are not the proprietary right of the young. Many 'work' in an extraordinary, semi-surrealistic way, where the
format and syntax ARE the message. Some, for me, do not. Outstanding are the Inter Genre Plays. I REALLY loved them, especially Pina Bausch, a portrait of a Choreographer, Cybernatically, and
Unobtrusive Permissible and poems, This I an Early Knot, The tightrope walker, Sampling, and Unnamed Visible .I think it is just about the best life in the whole world if spent being creative (and fresh).
Lucky you to have met Hans Arp. I knew his and Sphie Tauber-Arp's work from my early days at Art College. The first sculpture was a small one in the Tate Gallery, London, followed by a shared exhibition at St. Paul, Vence in the South of France. It was sculpture, shown outside the Gallery, in the open air. It was a total knockout! Next day we went to the Matisse Chapel, with his late collages and woven designs. Then onto the Picasso Chateau with his LARGE drawings of goats and minotaures. What a ridiculously amazing 3 days.Do you, by any chance, know the work of Ron Kitaj? We shared the same small tutorial group with David Hockney. He was an American, who made London his home for many years before returning to the US (LA) in 1997. Sadly, he died last October.Any way, keep up the good work.Very best wishes to both yourself and Jane (from a cold, frosty England). Stanley Pelter
I am Joanna M. Weston Married, 3 sons, two cats. Is a full-time writer of poetry, short-stories, and poetry reviews. Published internationally in journals, print and online, and anthologies. Has two middle-readers, 'The Willow Tree Girl' and 'Those Blue Shoes', in print; also 'A Summer Father', poetry, published by Frontenac House of Calgary. A Summer Father - poetry - Frontenac House 2006 ISBN: 1-89718105-1 $15.95 Those Blue Shoes for ages 7-12 http://www3.telus.net/public/west34/ -
Joanna M. Weston
Edward Baranosky sent a card announcing the opening of a show of his acrylic and oil marine paintings, titled “Seascapes” at the Gallery 1235 on Bathurst Street in Toronto, Canada, on April 19. Several paintings were sold from the show. Recently Baranosky also had one of his paintings listed on e-Bay.
Dear haiku friends,
The new issue of Haiku Reality is being in its final stage of preparation. I'd like to remind you to send your haiku contribution (in English, up to 5, published or not) until May 15. English editor is an'ya. an'ya and Jasminka Nadaskih Djordjevic will judge haiku of the issue, those which deserve to be honorable mentioned and selected. Also, you can send the following work: essays, interviews, book reviews, haiga... For more details, please see http://www.geocities.com/ana_vazic/indexeng.htm
Thank you and best regards, Sasa Vazic
“. . . It was Nathalie Buckland who judged the FreeXpresSion haiku competition. She and John Bird and I workshop together, and we have just posted an update on our site. I believe you are on the mailing list, but at the risk of sending a double notification, I shall add the address here: Wollumbin Haiku Workshop
http://www.wollumbin-haiku.com John's own site, which features Australian themes, is also worth a look:
Haiku Dreaming Australia http://haikudreamingaustralia.info/ With warm greetings. - Quendryth
“. . . I've got a busy weekend on tap. Haiku Holiday at beeaaauuutiful Bolin Brook Farm in Chapel Hill tomorrow and the Rockingham County Fine Arts Festival awards ceremony on Sunday after church. Soooo, I'm sending the weekly Haiku - Three Questions post email a day early. For your reading enjoyment, Jeffrey Woodward shares his response to H3?'s this week. You can read Jeffrey's post at one of the links below. http://tobaccoroadpoet.blogspot.com/
http://tobaccoroadpoet.blogspot.com/2008/04/jeffrey-woodward-three-questions.html And if you haven't submitted your response to these three little questions, please consider sending them. I've received a lot of positive feedback about this little project. Peace and prosperity to you all. - Curtis Dunlap tobacco road poet
The April 2008 issue of Ygdrasil, a Journal of the Poetic Arts is now available at http://www.synapse.net/kgerken
Klaus J. Gerken Editor and Publisher Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts http://www.synapse.net/kgerken The Cats of Parliament Hill Blog
Please visit Pamela A. Babusci's solo exhibit at: www.threelightsgallery.com to view her poetry, haiga & taiga. Pamela welcomes comments/feedback about her works.
The April 2008 Ghazal Page is online now. Here's the URL:
http://www.ghazalpage.net/2008/2008_april.html Gino Peregrini
The Ghazal Page
Jane san,
Let me introduce myself. I am Mar, aka maitia, editor of No-michi.com haiku Spanish magazine on net and chairwoman of the Navarre Haiku association. I am coeditor of world haiku club Spanish haiku review, and Carlos Fleitas is my friend and sensei. I invite you to visit also my blog, a haijin's blog, http://www.manuelymar.net/blog where you can find part of my haiga too and other work and essays. (these in Spanish, those in both languages) I wonder if an association we can contact with the Japan foundation, or if some of those who are in the same haiku no michi, could support us with their logos or banners... or even is there is someone who can lead us to present our credentials to Japan government in culture items. I are settled in Pamplona, Navarre, Spain which is related with Yamaguchi, Pref. but no one of this prefecture representatives have been concerned in know what we are doing here in this city.
http://www.anaku.info is the site of ANAKU it is in Spanish, but you can find out what we actually do.
No-Michi.com was founded in 2003, and it is still alive and is reference in Spanish haiku community...thanks to our patience, and people who support it during this time. Nice to "meet" you
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Mar Ordóñez aka maitia http://www.anaku.info
www.no-michi.com My blog.
Greetings all.
The new issue of Contemporary Haibun Online is now out.http://contemporaryhaibunonline.com/
- Ray Rasmussen, Managing Editor.
Sketchbook Link
Karina Klesko Editor, Sketchbook a Journal for Eastern and Western Short Forms
_http://poetrywriting.org_ (http://poetrywriting.org/)
OutlawPoets-short forms
OutlawPoets - beat poets, era and free verse
_TheOutlawPoetsII@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:TheOutlawPoetsII@yahoogroups.com)
Resident Caricature Artist
Jerry Dreesen
Hi All: Just a quick note to let you all know the Red Moon Press has three new releases for April, plus the inauguration of a new series. First is our ninth volume of the contemporary haibun series, this one featuring 60 haibun in English and 20 haiga from around the world. For nearly a decade contemporary haibun has been the only serial book dedicated to these forms. As Jeffrey Woodward, Editor of Haibun Today writes, "contemporary haibun has stood alone, for nearly a decade, as the chief vehicle and bulwark of the burgeoning haibun movement in English. Without the vanguard role of this annual anthology, one might reasonably inquire how--and perhaps if--haibun would have survived."
ISBN 1-978-893959-69-9. 110 pages, $16.95. Martin Shea is a name many people have encountered only in the haiku anthologies, but this new selection of his work, waking on the bridge, will introduce him to an entirely new generation of haiku poets. Shea is a technical innovator, and his distinctive voice is discernable throughout. As Philip Rowland, Founding Editor of NOON: The Journal of the Short Poem , says, ". . . a beautiful collection, wistful, almost dream-like at times, and not without haiku humour. The section breaks pace the collection, while each section is short enough to keep the key-note in mind. Wonder's not an easy thing to do these 'late' days of (first-phase?) English-language haiku, but Shea brings it off. And those classics really hold up." ISBN 1-978-893959-71-2. 64 pages, $12. The third volume is a theoretical heavyweight, ten years in the making. Richard Gilbert's Poems of Consciousness: Contemporary Japanese & English-language Haiku in Cross-cultural Perspective is the backbone of the new haiku, the underpinning beneath all the language of "irruptive" haiku, the most important innovation in haiku in half a century. As William J. Higginson, author of The Haiku Handbook, states, "In Poems of Consciousness, Richard Gilbert investigates Japanese haiku in the flesh. He not only reports on what he has gleaned from books about haiku, but includes interviews with and writings by living Japanese haiku masters. Here you will meet some of today's most widely respected poets. Kiyoko Uda has been at the forefront of haiku's growing popularity among younger poets for the past several decades. She recently became president of the Modern Haiku Association--the most avant-garde of Japan's major haiku organizations. Hasegawa Kai leads the contemporary reexamination of all our assumptions about the haiku of the past and points the way ahead for this new century. These and others provide striking poems--in Gilbert's insightful translations--that will, along with his own provocative essays, make anyone familiar with the haiku genre rethink their understanding of this brand new poetry." ISBN 1-978-893959-72-9. 302 pages. $27.95. Red Moon Press also announces the Postscript Series, a series of chapbooks designed to honor recently deceased haiku poets. Each chapbook is culled from the entire oeuvre of the poet's lifetime, with an eye to what made the poet both distinctive and ahead of their time. Each book is handmade in limited quantities. At present there are four titles: available: pictographs (haiku of Tony Quagliano), change (haiku of Wim Lofvers), sparklers (haiku of Lorraine Ellis Harr, and faint notes (haiku of Marianne Bluger). Other volumes in preparation include work by L. A. Davidson, Francine Porad, Jerry Kilbride and Kay F. Anderson. Each volume 24 pages, $5. All these fine books are available from www.redmoonpress.com . Thank you for your continued support. Jim Kacian, Red Moon Press
PBS celebrates National Poetry Month
with a new Web site destination launching today.
Poetry Everywhere, launching today, takes a fresh look at poetry. Using a variety of production approaches, the site will feature films of poets reading their own work, animated interpretations of much-loved poems (pictured above, left), and celebrities reading personal favorites. Readers include Poet Laureate Charles Simic (pictured above, lower right), Seamus Heaney, and Adrienne Rich, and Wynton Marsalis (pictured above, upper right), Mary Louise Parker and Blair Brown.The project aims to expose a diverse audience to a broad spectrum of poetic voices; build an appreciation and an audience for poetry; and increase the presence of poets and poetry within the two most ubiquitous media in American popular culture. Visitors to Poetry Everywhere on the PBS Web site can also link to the Poetry Foundation to find the text of the featured poems as well as biographies and more poetry from the poets, and to further explore the whole poetry genre.Poetry Everywhere is a co-production of WGBH and David Grubin Productions, in association with the Poetry Foundation. David Grubin is the producer. Brigid Sullivan is the Executive Producer. WGBH Press contacts: Paula M. Fleming 617.987.2022 pmafleming@aol.com
Darrity Furman 617.300.5309 darrity_furman@wgbh.org
Dear Jane
Thank you for your site. I am working with some schools in the UK on a Renga competition - the entries will be created electronically within Think.com (a community for teachers and students provided free and without advertising). Your site is very helpful and informative but most importantly it has some really enjoyable poems. Best wishes. Christopher Binns, Oracle Education Initiatives UK, 1 South Place London EC2M 2RB, Tel/Fax 0207 816 7679, Mbl 07770 703509. www.think.com
Friends, Since posting the clouds and rain special issue, I have added four more poets, for a total of 16 poets and 18 poems. The challenge is definitely over, but the poems from four poets apparently went into electronic limbo. (Not my spam mailbox, either.) You will find that the additions strengthen an already strong collections. I hope to start seeing ghazals for the "moon" radif challenge soon. Be well! Gino Peregrini The Ghazal Page http://www.ghazalpage.net Gino’s Blog.
Dear All! The official site for the forthcoming Wing Beats: British Birds in Haiku anthology is now live at www.wingbeats.co.uk. Written and compiled by myself and Matthew Paul, with contributions from over 30 other haiku poets, the book is illustrated by Sean Gray and features a foreword by the leading bird writer and BBC producer, Stephen Moss. I hope you might also be interested in a new online exhibition of my haiku and tanka at http://www.threelightsgallery.com/johnbarlowintro.html, which also features stunning photographs by the award-winning photographer Sean Gray (and an interview with yours truly). A brief press release from 3LIGHTS is appended. While I’m writing, this is an early reminder that the deadline for this year’s Haiku Calendar contest is now only a few weeks away. Details are at http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/haiku_competition_details.htm. And, finally, I hope to have the new Snapshot Press site up in May. All the best. – John BarlowEditor, Snapshot Press
e: info@snapshotpress.co.uk
w: www.snapshotpress.co.uk
Ash Moon Anthology: Poems on Aging in Modern English Tanka Published by Modern English Tanka Press. Ash Moon Anthology explores and celebrates the later years of life: the "golden years," to some, and far from it, to others. Senior men and women have a perspective on life that cannot be achieved except by enduring the passage of several decades. Just as youth and the fullness of maturity are celebrated for their special characteristics, so should be our later years. Ash Moon Anthology
includes poems about all aspects of aging, both the ups and downs, the joys and the sorrows; poems that embody the humor, insight, and wisdom of our elders and the ways in which we age with grace and even
elegance. This is a tremendous collection of nearly nine hundred poems on aging from 97 poets on five continents. Baltimore, Maryland – March 7, 2008 – Ash Moon Anthology: Poems on Aging in Modern English Tanka, the fourth in a series of new wave tanka anthologies, has been published by Modern English Tanka Press of Baltimore, Maryland. It is perhaps the largest anthology of tanka written in English yet published with nearly nine hundred poems by ninety-seven poets on five continents. It follows the prior volumes in this series: The Five-Hole Flute, The Dreaming Room, and Landfall.
Ash Moon Anthology is edited by Alexis Rotella and Denis M. Garrison.
"`May you be awake one moment before you die' The Buddha said. If readers can absorb the joy and the intensity of this book, they will be more alive than ever before in their lives. I am stunned by the
precision of emotions and the variety of feelings. I want to read one page each day, to be in touch with everything that is truly, vividly alive." —Grace Cavalieri, Producer/host, The Poet and the Poem from
the Library of Congress
"The Zen aesthetic of wabi-sabi demonstrates the recognition that things are often more beautiful, more treasured, more emotionally significant when they are somewhat broken, slightly worn out, aged by
human use, subject to the natural laws of decay or uniquely unfinished. In the Ash Moon Anthology, contemporary tanka poets explore the aesthetics of aging, the wabi-sabi of the human experience. These tanka examine the feelings and psychological insights that can only come with a lifetime of surviving into old age, when we recognize the impermanence and transitory nature of our bodies, our minds, our selves. These English tanka of aging celebrate and explore a wide range of moments conveying the feelings of being fully alive in our imperfect, broken, unfinished bodies, minds and souls." —Dr. Randy Brooks, Millikin University
"Age. It happens to us all. Advertisements inform us that we can be sexual athletes at ninety, if only we buy the magic cure and follow the exercise guru's advice. Yet the evidence of our own lives is
decidedly more human, more problematic, and full of petty perfidies. Age is not simply the prolongation of our youth with the help of a little dye to hide the gray hair but a fundamental process of transformation. We change, and as we change, we are haunted or enlivened by the past we carry with us. Understanding all that we are and have experienced is difficult enough, but communicating it to
others is even harder, especially when the gap is dramatic as the one separating today's youth from today's elders. This is the chasm which the poets of Ash Moon cross. Nearly a hundred in number, they are
themselves aging or the care-givers and companions of elders. With unblinking honesty they record their age as it is lived—despair and dereliction alongside grace and humor—and what emerges is a true
portrait of age with all its awkward complexities. "Readers of Ash Moon will find all these poems written in a fitting form, namely, `tanka,' the eldest of poetic forms. The oldest continuously anthologized poetry in the world (compared to which the venerable sonnet is a mere stripling), tanka has been the vehicle by
which poets ancient and modern have given voice to the myriad beauties and burdens of their lives. The result is a series of snapshots without commentary, allowing the readers to directly experience the poets' vision. They will find much that resonates with them, and much to reflect on. The ash moon hangs over all our heads." — M. Kei, Editor of Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Modern English Tanka, Editor-in-chief of Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka of 2008, and author of Heron Sea, Short Poems of the Chesapeake Bay.
For media inquiries or to arrange an interview with the editors, contact: Alexis Rotella by e-mail
at rengagirl (at) yahoo (dot) com or Denis M. Garrison at dmg (at) themetpress (dot) com. Publisher information at: www.modernenglishtankapress.com. This book is available from www.Lulu.com/modernenglishtanka and from major booksellers; or by order from the publisher. Complete information and mail order form are available online at www.modernenglishtankapress.com. Price: $29.95 USD. ISBN 978-0-6151-9641-1. Trade paperback. 312 pages, 6.00" x 9.00", perfect binding, 60# cream interior paper, black and white interior ink, 100# exterior paper, full-color exterior ink. There is also a hard cover with dust jacket: Price: $44.95 USD. ISBN 978-0-6151-9642-8.
Denis M. Garrison, owner Modern English Tanka Press
443-802-1249 Email to dmg (at) themetpress (dot) com.www.modernenglishtankapress.com www.modernenglishtanka.com www.atlaspoetica.comwww.shortverse.com www.tankacentral.com www.tankanews.com www.modernhaiga.com
Dear Friends,We've just uploaded "Moonbridges", a new exhibition in our Haiga online gallery. It features photography and haiku by Ron Moss, a series of five haiga renga by Alexis Rotelli and Denis Garrison, and photo haiga by Susan and Dave Constable. Please stop by and enjoy a collection of stunningly beautiful haiga.http://www.haigaonline.com/gallery/gallery.html While you're at it, why not also revisit our current issue. March 21 is the deadline for submitting to your haiku to our next Haiku this
Haiga. http://www.haigaonline.com/issue8-2/traditional.html Preparations are well underway for our next issue, which will be out on the solstice in June. I won't spoil the surprise just yet, though I will depart from our past tradition of keeping the theme under wraps until publication. Have you noticed that our last issue's theme was related to 'fire' and the issue before that 'water'? We're in a series about the four elements of the western zodiac. Next up is 'air'. The specific title is not yet settled, but think of spring breeze, balloons, kites, pinwheels, wind chimes, and the fair blue skies of warming weather... With my best wishes for a lovely, haiku-filled Spring or Fall, depending on your hemisphere. Linda Papanicolaou
Editor of Haigaonline
Dear Ghazaler,
I have been writing ghazals for 30 years in English and my mentor Francis Brabazon began the habit in 1963 and continued to write English language ghazals until his passing in 1984. I sing them, as well as reciting them, his and mine, my CD with all ghazals by Francis Brabazon is called: "I Dwell in Dust and Sing" Francis Brabazon two published books of English Language ghazals are: In Dust I sing and
The Beloved is All in All. We always knew it was pronounced ghazal. (as in guzzle). We also knew that the wine is a the grace of the Beloved and the Women are a fantasy as a muse for the Divine Beloved in Hafiz and Rumi. But we did have a mentor in Francis who had been studying such things since the 1930's and was a sublime poet. We started studying this form with Francis Brabazon as our mentor in 1969, a bunch of artistic hippies who could play music dance write and act, and ever since, I for one, have been trying to make the western idea more and more a mainstream form. I have never done much else but sing and run workshops and recite and record since I first found Francis upon his return from India to Australia. I still do just that now that I have moved to California these last 20 years living in Berkeley, CA, I teach music and voice here, both eastern and western. One of my ghazals will be on the ghazal page "clouds and rain" special edition by Gene Doty in mid March. Great to read your web site let's stay in touch, in poetry, song, mantra, chant and the ghazal, Raine (poetically AKA Raindust) www.NadaOm.com A new CD release of Raine's will be out soon, "Surrender: Blues and Gospel Ghazals" - Raine
Dear All, The new issue of Shamrock Haiku Journal, the online magazine of the Irish Haiku Society,
is now available at www.freewebs.com/shamrockhaiku/currentissue.htm Shamrock is an international quarterly online journal that publishes quality haiku, senryu and haibun in English, and has a home page at www.freewebs.com/shamrockhaiku Shamrock Haiku Journal is calling for submissions from local, national and international haiku poets for the next issue. Please e-mail submitted work to
irishhaikusociety[at]hotmail.com The deadline for submissions is May 31st, 2008.
See submissions guidelines at www.freewebs.com/shamrockhaiku/submissions.htm Please note that haibun submissions are closed until the end of May 2008. Also, please find attached Irish Haiku Society News, the latest issue. Regards, Anthony Anatoly Kudryavitsky, Irish Haiku Society http://www.freewebs.com/irishhaiku
[forwarded from Geert Verbeke]
Dear Geert, Congratulations from the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival! We are pleased
to have chosen your poem as one of our Honorable Mention Haiku:
with a minimum
of restrained brush strokes--
mum's cherry petals
Geert Verbeke
Flanders, Belgium
Your poem will be featured on the VCBF web site and will be read at festival events. You will also receive a VCBF Certificate to commemorate your involvement with the 2008 festival. Thank you for submitting your excellent haiku to us. Please check our website at www.vcbf.ca regularly for the latest news of festival events. Yours sincerely, Carole MacRury, VCBF Haiku Committee.
1, 2008. |