American Tanka. Laura Maffie, Editor, POB 120-024, Staten Island, NY 10312.
Blithe Spirit. Journal of the British Haiku Society. Editor Caroline Gourlay, Hill House Farm, Knighton, Powys, LD7 1NA, England. Membership/subscription to the British Haiku Society; £12.50 or US$29.00; airmail $35.00 paid to David Cobb, Sinodun, Shalford, Braintree, Essex CM7 5HN, England. Quarterly.
frogpond. Jim Kacian, Editor. POB 2461, Winchester, VA 22604. Quarterly periodical of the Haiku Society of America. Membership/subscriptions $20.00 to Dee Evetts, Acting Secretary of HSA, POB 1179, New York, NY 10013.
Geppo Haiku Journal. Jean Hale, Editor. 20711 Garden Place Court, Cupertino, CA 95014. $15.00 for membership/subscription. Bimonthly newsletter with haiku contest.
Haiku Canada Newsletter. LeRoy Gorman, Editor. 51 Graham West, Napanee, ON, K7R 2J6, Canada. Membership/ subscription: $20. for four issues and free participation in Members' Anthology.
Haiku Spirit. Sean O'Conner, 14b Echlin St., Dublin 8, Ireland. Quarterly/chapbook size, US$12. News, haiku/senryu, exploring nature in Ireland with an Irish voice and spirit in haiku. Seeking haiku in Gaelic with English translations.
Hummingbird. Phyllis Walsh, Editor. POB 96, Richland Center, WI 53581. $12.00. Quarterly.
Ko. Koko Kato, Editor. 1-36-7 Ishida cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Japan 476.
Lost and Found Times. John M. Bennett, Editor. 137 Leland Ave., Columbus, OH 43214. $20.00 for five issues.
Lilliput Review. Don Wentworth, Editor, 282 Main Street, Pittsburg, PA 15201.
Lynx. Jane and Werner Reichhold, Editors. POB 1250, Gualala, CA 95445. Online at
Mainichi Daily News. Kazuo Sato, Haiku Editor. 1-1-1 Hitostsubashi, 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 100-51.
Mayfly. Randy and Shirley Brooks, Editors. 4634 Hale Dr., Decatur, IL 62526. $10.00. Biannual.
Modern Haiku. Lee Gurga, Editor. POB 1752, Madison, WI 53701. $18.50. Triannual.
O!ZONE. Harry Burrus, Editor. 1266 Fountain View Dr., Houston, TX 77057. $5.00 per issue.
Plainwraps. John O'Connor, Editor. 12 Manuka St., Christchurch, New Zealand.
Poets Roundtable. Esther Alman, Editor. Poets' Study Club, 826 South Center St., Terre Haute, IN 47807. Newsletter with contests and information.
Presense. Martin Lucas & David Steele (c/o Martin Lucus, 12 Grovehill Avenue, Leeds, LS11 7EX, England. Two issues/£5. Submissions from subscribers only.
Psychopoetica. Department of Psychology, University of Hull, Hull, HU7 6RX, England. (?)
Raw NerVZ. Dorothy Howard, Editor. 67 Court, Aylmer, QC, Canada, J9H 4M1. $20.00. Quarterly.
Snapshots. Editor John Barlow, Snapshot Press, PO Box 132, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 8XS, United Kingdom.
still. a journal of short verse. ai li, editor. 49 England Lane, London NW3 4YD, ENGLAND. e-mail or see the web site.
The Haiku Quarterly. Kevin Bailey, Editor.39 Exmouth St., Swindon, Wiltshire, England, SN1 3PU. Four issues: £8 UK, £11 non-UK.
Tangled Hair. Editor John Barlow, Snapshot Press, PO Box 132, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 8XS, United Kingdom. Single tanka only.
The Tanka Journal. Nihon Kajin Club, 408 Edisu-Mansion, 1-2-1, Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan.
The Daily Yomiuri. Haiku Editor. 1-7-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-55, Japan.
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