Jacques Verhoeven
Silva Ley
v. G.
wall paper blossoms
April shimmers around the house
Japanese spring
village view with carillon
the statue of two brothers
a street of small life
in the middle of Europe
village in ribbon building
letters of anxious aunts
a name on a broken tomb
deep dark sides
- scratches on the canvas –
referring to the moon
Appel’s fierce colours
Paint- key of giants
raw ‘willow branches’
the same brushstroke, both
watch the daring juncture
marathon across the fields
fading regiments of drops
v. G. cypresses dance
Ap. a paintknife (brush) the lunging sword
the physical battle
longer, rigorous, deeper
no doubt on his fingers
a pair of white shoes
far from the farmer’s gloominess
saved from the trance
v.G + Ap a summersault over times
steps across the borders
Ap. a blew horizon
‘ inquiring children’s eyes’
defeated fear
afford to explain the tangle
all the knots fundamental
the night of ‘ the owl man’
a blackened landscape
fading away in silence
v. G.
dew falls in the meadows
a full palette, hour after hour
Ap. ‘frightened cat’
chalk-box in the playroom
‘luminous cat’
dreaming and flowering
a cephalopod smiles
cracked circles
vertical order of rank
a micado of trees
garden outside a muddle
objects seem enlarged
scetch of the animal epos
Mr. X stirs the paintpot
a pink cow, a green mouse
Vincent’s prune blossoms tree
next to a rubbish barrow
heaps of poles and bricks
long curves towards heaven
purple on the hilltops
Manet, Monet, Gaugin, v. Gogh
Paris in summertime
v. G.
untrodden paths
so far no words, no letters
fields of golden grain
forget –me-nots in wild grass
millions for ‘Sunflowers’
Ap. on top sounding red
in a frameless aquarel
sepia, in front of
everything in one outline
next subject: life and death
a mysterious veil
at a distance lines and gaps
retarded understanding
as: what beauty means
illusion and reality
v.G. the early years
almost the same cornfields
calm summer seasons
preciousness pass through
eating enlightment of light
new halls projected
cherished inheritance
worldwide expectation
chimes change the melody
passing bikers don’t listen
his father’s little church
only open on Sundays
devotion for God and Arts
bandages taken away
an ear for many questions
Written on 14 – 04 -2011 at the Museum: VINCENT VAN GOGH HUIS, Zundert, Netherlands. Current exhibition: ‘KAREL APPEL & VAN GOGH’
Catherine Mair
Patricia Prime
steady rain, the morning paper is late
through an avenue of trees - car lights
iridescent, the washed faces of begonias
flower arrangement - fallen petals of a dahlia
like a cubist painting the back of the shops
unsynchronized - ticking of two clocks
the old cat looking scruffier each day
a basket of toys awaits the grandchildren
through a doorway a rumpled bed
painted pukeko peer over the border's edge
searching, she flicks through a garden guide
sound of the shower, he puts on his work clothes
fridge door an envelope, 'to granny & granddad'
magnified through reading glasses - sale prices
Catherine Mair
Patricia Prime
the solar lamp's base filled with rain
fluttering from brown leaves a butterfly
crossing the road faster than us, autumn leaves
finding a patch of sunshine, ginger cat
little brother's tantrum - she gives in
artist's garden - mosaics of every shape & size
gone the stuffed parrot hanging from the cherry tree
enclosed by green netting a small vegetable garden
welcoming us home a fantail
against the letterbox handful of bamboo canes
lined up on the breakfast bar, six tomatoes
over the veranda handrail - flight of paper wasps
Ramona Linke
Andrea D’Alessandro
Sie greift in die Schale,
fühlt die Erde
Asche zu Asche ... goldverziert
der Reliquienschrein
in Santiago de Compostela
___uns dürstet
nach uraltem Wissen
bei Vollmond gebraut
mein Liebestrank
der Himmel heute
Korinther, 11,3 ...
das Kopftuch
fester knoten
Ramona Linke
Andrea D’Alessandro
She reaches into the bowl,
feels the soil
ashes to ashes ... gold decorated
the reliquary
in Santiago de Compostela
___ thirsting
full moon-brewed
according to ancient knowledge
my love potion
the sky today
Corinthians, 11,3...
knotting stronger
the headscarf
Ramona Linke
Heike Gewi
ceasefire —
she starts humming a lullaby
for her sons
native art
the world snake bites its own tail
sled dogs
he cuts the meat of seals
in icy east wind
my nose wrinkles
bending under dusk rain
poet's narcissus
Mr. Hoelderlin's grave
a sunbeam
at the ravine's bottom
sense of reality
