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A Journal for Linking Poets |
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BOOK REVIEWS Garden Mandala by Giselle Maya. Koyama Press. 84750 Saint Martine de Castillon, France: 2011. Hand-tied, 10 x 13 inches, hand-made paper covers, 52 pages, illustrated with woodcuts of botanicals from 1532 and pen & ink sketches by her daughter , Introduction by Michael McClintock. Contact: Giselle.Maya@wanadoo.fr. for pricing. To borrow the words of Michael McClintock in the Introduction: “Garden Mandala is poet’s open love affair with the growing things in a single hectare of earth in the south of France. In haiku, tanka, free verse and prose, Giselle Maya writes of “this one spot on earth” in a language of adoration and awe, as both lover and servant.” McClintock goes on to say, “In books such as this, composed as a kind of prayer within a diary of passion, we may all recognize and savor that mythos of Eden that we carry in the very chalk of our bones and clay of our flesh.” Beautifully said! not a flower This handmade book, green and soft as new growth, brings art and inspiration for gardener or anyone who eats of the harvest. Giselle Maya combines the soul of a poet, the sweat of a gardener and gift for us all in her outstretched hands. Yes, the font in the book is similar to this one. I especially enjoyed the story of how she got this garden spot and the glimpses into the life of an extra-ordinary woman.
Anemones, tanka by Giselle Maya. Koyama Press.84750 Saint Martine de Castillon, France: 2011. Hand-tied, 6.5 x 10inches, hand-made paper covers, unnumbered pages. Contact: Giselle.Maya@wanadoo.fr.for pricing. Anemones almost seems a companion book to Garden Mandala, yet here the tanka really shine. With twenty-four single poems printed one to a page the reader is lifted up on a wave of clear praise and poetry. learning fierce as tigers
100 Selected Haiku of Katoo Ikuya. Translated with a study by Itoo Isao. Literary Society’s Library of Aichi University; April 2011.Slipcase, hardcover with silk, 6 x 9 inches, 104 pages, ISBN978-4-8060-4752-0 ¥3500. With this beautifully made book, Ikuya Katoo, the leading innovator of Japanese modern haiku is introduced to the English-reading audience via superb translations. In addition, Mr. Itoo presents detailed explanations of Katoo’s work and its connection to Japanese and world-wide culture as well as a clear biography of his life. Ikuya Katoo was born on the third of January in 1929 in Tokyo. His father, Shishuu Katoo, was already an established haiku poet. It was no surprise then when the son graduated from Waseda University with a degree in literature. In the same year (1951) Ikuya Katoo had published his first book of collected haiku: Kyuutai kankaku – The Sense of a Sphere. Over the years 12 volumes of his haiku have garnered all the highest haiku and literature prizes of Japan and established him as the authority on Edo-aestheticism – the beauty of form as a vision based on Bushido and Zen in modern times. According to the full-some introduction the features of the style of poetry based on the Edo-aestheticism are “wit, an attitude of not showing an air of seriousness, straight-forwardness without roundabout expression, consistency, bracingness, elasticity, the manner of firm resolution, nonchalance of the unprejudiced mind, taste for humour and so on.” It seems Ikuya Katoo’s work is closer to Kikaku’s – Basho’s student, rather than to the Old Master. While this might lead the reader to suppose Ikuya Katoo’s work to only have the flavor of a 300 year old Tokyo, it doesn’t. Ikuya Katoo is a modern man and while specialists may detect echoes of the gay life of that period, he has developed his haiku into a universal light-hearted expression free from emotional development. Sometimes one can also equate Ikuya Katoo’s style with that of Shiki and his shasei writing method of “sketches.” For the English reader, this means that many of the poems are so ethereal or based on cultural implications that the poem melts and disappears in one’s hand. However a sample of the poems that make the leap across the societal divide are: under an umbrella people streaming up There are a lot of poems about drinking, or giving up drinking, the life with his wife, her death, and his companion in later life. In Gero the mistress by me
Isao Itoo shows each poem in kanji and romaji with slashes to show the three parts of the poem. The English is given without beginning caps (thank you very much for noticing!) or poem end punctuation. This small nod to contemporary English haiku makes the poems feel very modern. For English readers these haiku and their translation offer a good answer to the question I often get: just what are the top Japanese haiku poets writing today?
A Further Mountain Range by Fumiko Tanihara. ISBN:978-4-89448-638-6. Dust-jacket on soft covers, 5 x 7.5 inches, 120 pages, Japanese and English, full-color cover, ¥1700. The tanka in A Further Mountain Range are printed one to a page with the kanji given on the outer margins in a pleasing and easy-to-read format. The single tanka are combined into twenty series; each with a title that charts the travels of this adventurous woman. The joy of Ms. Tanihara for her life of adventure and mountain climbing is evident throughout the book. on the weathered rocks As you can see the English is given without caps and with minimal punctuation. While many of the English versions do follow the tanka form, it seems the translations follow closely the Japanese even when the target language needs more space.
All That Remains by Catherine J.S. Lee. Turtle Light Press, P.O. All That Remains was the winner of a chapbook contest judged by Kwame Dawes and Rick Black, editor of the Turtle Light Press and served to illustrate this new press’s approach to publishing. In many ways, upon opening the book, one thinks it might be one of Swamp Press’s editions but instead the poem pages are computer printed. Otherwise the book is given to the careful handwork of old time bookmaking. home burial again he sighs
haiku by Kala Ramesh and My Haiku Moments. Published by Katha, New Delhi, India. Marketing@katha.org My Haiku Moments is saddle-stapled, 5 x 5 inches, 12 card-quality pages and haiku is a full-color folded to 5 x 5 inch book. waterfall shaded avenue My Haiku Moments is designed to get any child started with writing haiku. The information is succinct and ‘correct’ with modern English haiku. What a great change from the many antiquated versions of “how to write haiku” on YouTube and in printed books! These you could give with pride to grandchildren or get a set for every child in their class. In the back of the booklet are instructions for teachers, which show the many ways haiku can be used within other disciplines and closes with the line “And we suggest every teacher should haiku up her sleeve.” These books are the best haiku ambassadors I have seen and they need an international distributor so children everywhere can have the positive influence of excellent haiku. If I were not so old I would out on street corners selling these books! Some retired salesman needs to step up to the plate and do a good deed for haiku by helping this new publishing house.
The Debris Field by Anthony Knight. Contact:knight.pages@hotmail.co.uk. Soft cover in full color, flat-spine, 80 pages. tanka and haiku. With a wet brush I stand Ankle-deep in leaves
breakthrough (very small caliber verse) by John Bryce Belbas. Southern Illinois University Publication: 2010. Soft full-color cover of artwork by Barbara Ann Fife, flat spine, 4 x 6.75 inches, 120 pages, five haiku per page. John Belbas, P.O. Box 442, Oregon House, CA 95962.
a little piece of mountain
Nipponese Essences by Adina Al. Enachescu. Editura Societratii Scriiitorilaor Romani, Bukuresti, 2011. Trade paperback with full color cover, 5.5 x 8 inches, 180 pages, bilingual Romanian and English, ISBN:: 978-973-7700-80-3
Poem given an award at the 2008 Romanian Society of Haiku: Lonely in the night
Dancing in the Dew / Ples Po Rosi by Vlasta Mazuranic. Ogranak Matice hrvatske u Samoboru. Contact info@ogranak-mh-samobor.hr. Trade paperback with full color cover, 5.5 x 8 inches, 96 pages, bilingual ISBN:978—953-6588-51-0 an old pigsty – the village smithy
A Narrow Road by Ljubomir Dragovic. Liber, Belgrade. Soft cover, 5 x 6.5 inches, 106 pages, bilingual, ISBN:978-86-6133-055-1. No price given. spring fever – smooth moonlight. . .
My loved Japan by Clelia Ifrim. Editura Universitara: 2011. Flat-spine, soft cover, 4 x 7 inches 38 pages one poem to a page, no price given. Contact: redactia@editurauruiversitara.ro Haiku inspired by the March 2011 earthquake in Japan. Deserted houses – White ruins, white words
two milkweed parachutes by Carol Purington and Larry Kimmel. Tri-fold, 8.5 x 11. $1 with a SASE from Winfred Press. 364 Wilson Hill Road, Colrain, MA 01340. Childhood landscape – wide snow,
Modern English Tanka Press is delighted to announce the recent publication of five new titles in 2011.
Dear Authors,
BOOK REVIEWS Garden Mandala by Giselle Maya. Koyama Press. 84750 Saint Martine de Castillon, France: 2011. Hand-tied, 10 x 13 inches, hand-made paper covers, 52 pages, illustrated with woodcuts of botanicals from 1532 and pen & ink sketches by her daughter , Introduction by Michael McClintock. Contact: Giselle.Maya@wanadoo.fr. for pricing. Anemones, tanka by Giselle Maya. Koyama Press.84750 Saint Martine de Castillon, France: 2011. Hand-tied, 6.5 x 10inches, hand-made paper covers, unnumbered pages. Contact: Giselle.Maya@wanadoo.fr.for pricing. 100 Selected Haiku of Katoo Ikuya. Translated with a study by Itoo Isao. Literary Society’s Library of Aichi University; April 2011.Slipcase, hardcover with silk, 6 x 9 inches, 104 pages, ISBN978-4-8060-4752-0 ¥3500. A Further Mountain Range by Fumiko Tanihara. ISBN:978-4-89448-638-6. Dust-jacket on soft covers, 5 x 7.5 inches, 120 pages, Japanese and English, full-color cover, ¥1700.
All That Remains by Catherine J.S. Lee. Turtle Light Press, P.O. Box 1405, Highland Park, NJ 08904. Info@turtlelightpress.com. Hand-tied, 5.5 x 4.5 inches, 30 pages, decorated end-sheets, $17. ppd.
haiku by Kala Ramesh and My Haiku Moments. Published by Katha, New Delhi, India. Marketing@katha.org My Haiku Moments is saddle-stapled, 5 x 5 inches, 12 card-quality pages and haiku is a full-color folded to 5 x 5 inch book. The Debris Field by Anthony Knight. Contact:knight.pages@hotmail.co.uk. Soft cover in full color, flat-spine, 80 pages. tanka and haiku. breakthrough (very small caliber verse) by John Bryce Belbas. Southern Illinois University Publication: 2010. Soft full-color cover of artwork by Barbara Ann Fife, flat spine, 4 x 6.75 inches, 120 pages, five haiku per page. John Belbas, P.O. Box 442, Oregon House, CA 95962. Nipponese Essences by Adina Al. Enachescu. Editura Societratii Scriiitorilaor Romani, Bukuresti, 2011. Trade paperback with full color cover, 5.5 x 8 inches, 180 pages, bilingual Romanian and English, ISBN:: 978-973-7700-80-3 Dancing in the Dew / Ples Po Rosi by Vlasta Mazuranic. Ogranak Matice hrvatske u Samoboru. Contact info@ogranak-mh-samobor.hr. Trade paperback with full color cover, 5.5 x 8 inches, 96 pages, bilingual ISBN:978—953-6588-51-0 A Narrow Road by Ljubomir Dragovic. Liber, Belgrade. Soft cover, 5 x 6.5 inches, 106 pages, bilingual, ISBN:978-86-6133-055-1. No price given. My loved Japan by Clelia Ifrim. Editura Universitara: 2011. Flat-spine, soft cover, 4 x 7 inches 38 pages one poem to a page, no price given. Contact: redactia@editurauruiversitara.ro two milkweed parachutes by Carol Purington and Larry Kimmel. Tri-fold, 8.5 x 11. $1 with a SASE from Winfred Press. 364 Wilson Hill Road, Colrain, MA 01340.
Modern English Tanka Press publication new titles in 2011. Dreams Wander On: Contemporary Poems of Death Awareness edited by Robert Epstein. I'm a Traveler: a collection of tanka by Kozue Uzawa.
Take Five: Best Contemporary TankaVolume Three (2010) Anthology, edited by M. Kei. |
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