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A Journal for Linking Poets |
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LETTERS TO LYNX . . .Thank you so much, for taking the time to respond, and for accepting my haiku for the Feb. issue of Lynx! Coming to haiku has been a moment of truth in my writing life. I was an English major in college, with a focus on creative writing and all the necessary things that comes with that. And after I graduated, I then began delving into free-verse poetry in my early twenties and have had some minor success in publishing this form, but something happened in my process about a year ago, on my 30th birthday. I had become completely exhausted of too many words and abstraction! I was wordless for close to a year in my writing, and eventually, I found myself in my kitchen, washing dishes on a warm winter night, while noticing a moth on the kitchen window. And at that moment, something changed in me. I felt there was a way through words without words. And, I guess this was my initial "haiku moment." And, thinking back, after all that I have read and absorbed, your haiku translations of Basho have remained with me the most. So beautiful and so memorable! I cannot thank you enough for your words, along with your acceptance of my haiku. This means the world to me! My beautiful wife, Maria, and I are expecting our first child, Harrison, at the end of February, and I cannot fathom the moments and inspiration that this will bring for us! I wish you and Werner many blessings for 2012! Thank you again! All the best, Ryan Jessup . . . Last issue of Lynx was ONE OF THE BEST ISSUES EVER!!! Let us begin at the beginning ---- EARLY SPRING: liked the way it was presented on the page. The heat and sun colors of BURNING SKY. DANCING PARTNERS --- ".......the grass was talking to me," CHILDHOOD CINEMA --- "flooding / the fallen cherry petals / swirl away" Liked? Yes! and No! SALAMANDERS ALONG THE STREAM IN YOUR JAPANESE GARDEN The repeat and repeat and repeat of "in your Japanese garden" caused this reader to stumble. The same with Gene Doty's THE WORLD'S SCRIPTURES. I "know" the first has to end with "garden," and the second with "scriptures." But repeating a phrase, well, caused this reader to stumble; as Ruth Holzer's READING THE NATURAL HISTORY OF DESTRUCTION did not. She varied the way the ending "body" was presented. Are you clear on all that......? And the animated movie haibun most definitely worked! But, alas, with the exception of "sowing for harvest" I found Colin Stewart Jones a trail to read. And your TONGUE-TIED, well, a bit scary! The last half year have been dreaming of walking on a beach at night beside a calm sea under a full moon. The only other person in the dream is the Mac Taylor character from TV's CSI NEW YORK!! Very odd. To mention a great line / image .... "close enough to share / one shadow" by some guy named Werner. Know him? TAPS Conveys horror with simple blandness. And, to close, both of Emily Romano's Haigo were great. So, Jane, a bit of feedback. The above not the only efforts I liked, in fact, as said, this was one of the best issues ever. Don Ammons, Denmark. My wife had laser surgery on her eyes a week ago. She was to the hospital today, and the word was very good. But she still has to take things easy for "a little while longer," no giving wheelchair, semi-bound, American husbands baths, no wrapping his beautiful left leg in an ace bandage. So these days we have "home-helpers" showing up every morning. Every home helper is of the female gender, and, seemly, tall and blond and blue eyed! Every morning I suffer through their help, really, Jane, I am being very stoic and brave!! Don Ammons . . .We, that is Vasile (Romania), Jann(UK), Hanne & Dick (Denmark, though at opposite ends of the place) submit this renga. A bit B-movie-ish, in topics, but a fair representation of how we each think about things. It may be of
interest to describe how we do things, by . . . A surprise in my postbox! Congratulations with you new 'Taking Tanka Home', from you and Aya Yuhki. Second edition already, I see! Book itself is very tasteful: cover and lay out by Werner: a family book! Combination will attract many readers all over the world. I started reading. Hope it will push me to try to start writing again. Or better: to find the power to take some distance from the inner circle of grieving, which goes on grinding in mind and is still a painful sort of smoked window to the beautiful outside world. Nearly a year passed away and this week the lawsuit took place, (I wasn't there) with articles about it in the papers. To give a strong example to all who hurry away after they caused a bad accident by car. This happens often nowadays. Unbelievable: the offender is an artist and it is the second time he ran over a person to death! I feel a sort of compassion with him, not with his kills = irresponsible way of driving, for which he says to be uncounted for. I'll translate for you my first 3 tanka after a year. –Silva Ley Here's a link for an article I came across today: . . .I’m pleased you enjoyed the shisan from myself and fellow NZ poets. We are thrilled to have our first experiments with shisan accepted for publication. I believe these are the first shisan to be written in NZ. . . .At present I’m reading your wonderful book Basho: The Complete Haiku. What a tremendous amount of research and hard work must have gone into the making of this exceptional publication. Patricia Prime . . .One editor insists I should write "prose" at least in fragments, and I find prose clunky, difficult to manage, and far too wordy generally, with a few notable exceptions (I've only written a few short pieces, one published in RISD Views,the Journal of the Rhode Island School of Design, largely because I'm an alumnus). I'm still trying to pull together my meeting with Janis Joplin in 1968, something I've struggled with literally for decades; it'llbe done soon I hope to cap my last manuscript. I have six or seven unpublished, so far. A lot of Glosa, which doesn't apply to Lynx, and other prosaic attempts. But I try not to be preachy, as much as visceral. The original story for "Gigging" spun off the Basho (to set the tone and place). I started with two couples but that was too complicated. I began with the name "Jim", common enough in the rural Appalachians from New England to Florida, without it being obviously Quaker or Amish (who are also in New England, though less known than Pennsylvania, or Ontario), so "Jane" followed naturally as a "J" sound alliteration. I was attempting a dramatic dialogue in verse to reveal just the faintest outline of the story. My model was Robert Frost's book, "North Of Boston," which includes some beautifully done miniature verse plays. Well, I have some sympathy for frogs here too. Kind of the inverse of the Princess and the Frog. Charles Fort said (in the Thirties) that you could measure the condition of a civilization by the health of its frogs. The canary in the mine idea. Salamanders are also quite sensitive. This long before the environment was considered important. The first I remember reading with reference to the environment, in both broad and narrow terms, was Thoreau's Walden. After that, I recall Rachel Carlson, The Silent Spring, in the Fifties (?), about DDT. Frog gigging is something largely unknown by urban dwellers. It's mostly an archaic exercise, like hunting and fishing, gradually dying out. But remarkably, gigging kits can be had in Wal-Mart’s, at least regionally (probably manufactured in China).The story is something I've been exposed to, at least in some memory-shreds, not always happy. The point here is that we are at our most authentic in isolation, when we're sure we're not being watched; the curtains are down, the stage empty, the audience left, the mikes disconnected. A "significant other" is usually discounted, as that person is doing the same thing. So you're both alone in a relationship wrestling with your own darkest fantasies. Anyway, my conclusions aren't likely to be popular, even if familiar. Meditation isn't always easy. The cultural context is the rural East, or South East, the Appalachians as I mentioned. Cheating at cards is the surface evidence of cheating in a relationship. For her, this was a last straw, Queen of Hearts being an ironic twist. The card was under his palm, which she nailed with the ice-pick. The metaphor with cold-blooded amphibians is in the overall tone. Anyway, in the poem, Jane offers no argument, doesn't nag, is even supportive; until the last second. Then she shows she was never fooled. Some lines can't be crossed with impunity. ;-) Ed Baranosky, Toronto PS: I do tend to run on...But I started this poem probably thirty years ago, (with most of my notes either lost in the fire or discarded) and it never connected. It isn't quite what I envisioned but more than I had ever before revealed.
www.nzwide.com/swanlake.htm sent by Silva Ley Pamela A. Babusci sent Episode 22: Haiga Gallery : Haiku Chronicles . . .The Ballad of Emma Good is up at http://poems4change.org. 13th season. Hope you all enjoy it. - happy holidays everybody! new year? My haibun, "Moon-Seeking Soup" from my chapbook Recycling Starlight, appears on Jama Rattigan'sblog, Jama's Alphabet Soup, posted today, December 10th, to accompany the December 2011 full moon. http://jamarattigan.com/2011/12/09/friday-feast-moon-seeking-soup-by-penny-harter/. I am blessed and honored, both by Jama's comments and by the responses of her readers, to whom I've replied both individually and in a post at the end (so far) of the comments. And I encourage you all to try making the soup---it's really good. You should also add parsnips and peeled / diced apple for sweetening. If you read through my responses to readers' responses, and then mine at the end (so far) of those, I mention that I left those ingredients out of the recipe in the poem. Hope you are enjoying the holiday season so far, and as I said in my comment on Jama's blog, we all need to look for light as we approach the Solstice. I hope "Moon-Seeking Soup" helps you find the light in all you do, even the simple act of soup-making. Love, Penny Harter secreting ring
take-out... OPEN blinking in Christmas light
Ramona Linke
Charles D. Tarlton has a Ph.D. in political philosophy/American history from U.C.L.A. and has taught at several universities here and overseas. He retired in 2006 to write poetry and he has recently published a number of poems in magazines such as Review Americana, Jack Magazine, Houston Literary Review, Tipton, Barnwood, Haibun Today, Simply Haiku, Ink, Sweat, and Tears, Atlas Poetica, Red Lights, Sketchbook, mango moons, and an e-chapbook in the 2River series, entitled, “La Vida de Piedra y de Palabra: Twelve improvisations on Pablo Neruda's Macchu Picchu” ayaz daryl nielsen is a poet/father/husband/veteran/x-roughneck (as on oil rigs)/hospice nurse - editor/custodian of bear creek haiku, his poems have homes in publications including Yellow Mama, Lilliput Review, Shamrock, Lynx and Shemom.
Ingrid Kunschke
The 14th International Apokalipsa Haiku Contest.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the Shiki Monthly Kukai! We continue our email-only kukai run. George has created temporary web page archives that can be accessed, heartily recommended, here:https://sites.google.com/site/shikikukaitemporaryarchives/ Japanese Haibun Contest. Deadline January 31. Entry free. All the details: The Haiku Calendar The winners of the inaugural Snapshot Press eChapbook Awards are Chad Lee Robinson, Carole MacRury, Kathe L. Palka, Marian Olson, Vanessa Proctor, Lorin Ford, Penny Harter and Beverly Acuff Momoi, who will have their collections published online throughout January and February. A print anthology of outstanding work by these and other authors will also be published in 2012. The full list of poets with work selected for the anthology will be announced in December.For further details please see http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/contests/echapbook_awards/results.htm John Barlow, Snapshot Press. The Snapshot Press eChapbook Awards are international annual prizes for unpublished short collections of haiku, tanka, short poetry and haibun. Submissions are open from March 1–July 31 each year. Please see http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/contests/echapbook_awards/guidelines.htm for guidelines and further details. Unpublished book-length collections of haiku, tanka, short poetry and haibun may be submitted for print publication to The Snapshot Press Book Awards. Please see http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/contests/book_awards/guidelines.htm for guidelines and further details. John Barlow, Snapshot Press.
For results from the Polish International Haiku Competition
MAGAZINES Four journals for your New Year’s Reading Pleasure Haibun Today A Hundred Gourds Notes from the Gean And a listing of haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka journals:
The Nov / Dec 31, 2011 Issue of Sketchbook is now on-line: The December issue of The Ghazal Page is now online. You may access it at http://www.ghazalpage.net/2011/december or through the main page or the 2011 index. There are three pages this time, two presenting ghazals grouped loosely by theme and a third presenting two ekphrastic ghazals by David Jalajel. Ekphrastic poetry responds to a work of art; both artworks for these ghazals are reproduced with the poems, along with further information. As announced on the main page, http://www.ghazalpage.net, Issue 11.3 of Roadrunner Haiku Journal is now up: http://www.roadrunnerjournal.net/ Press Release – For Immediate Release – Please post to all appropriate venues 7 November 2011 – Perryville, Maryland, USA Today Keibooks releases Atlas Poetica 10, the latest issue of the highly regarded journal. ATPO 10 continues to publish tanka, waka, kyoka, and gogyoshi, along with sequences, prosimetrum, book reviews, announcements, and non-fiction articles on a variety of topics. This issue focuses on gogyoshi, and publishes the ‘Declaration of Gogyoshi’ by Taro Aizu, the foremost advocate of gogyoshi working in English, as well as examples of the genre by various practitioners. It also has a focus on book reviews, including an in depth analysis of Denis M. Garrison’s First Winter Rain, by Charles Tarlton. In addition, in keeping with Atlas Poetica’s dedication to scholarship about tanka, kyoka, and gogyoshi in various countries around the world, we are pleased to publish an article by Margaret Dornaus about Carles Riba and Catalonian tanka, as international contributions by poets from around the world. . . .I thought you might find interesting a website I created. In it, guys write the most stupid haiku you can image, sometimes funny, sometimes dirty. I imagine it might be shocking to destroy the beauty of haiku with topics like beer and nerdy stuff, but I thought like this some men would try writing and expressing themselves. This site is broiku.com, I hope you come by and have a look, you might even want to list in your website as "weird" or "politically incorrect" haiku. Julio Issue 2 of Ardea is moving forward very well. At this point, there is in hand enough material for about 75% of an issue the same size as Ardea 1. Submissions are coming in all the time. Further submissions are very welcome: haiku, senryu, renku, tanka, haiga and haibun, and also reviews and essays on multilingual writing in these fields. The projected cut-off date is late March, and I hope to have issue 2 online around June. Material not included may be held over to the following issue. Wishing you a pleasant festive season and a wonderful 2012, John Kinory The new issue of Shamrock (No 20) is now available online at http://shamrockhaiku.webs.com/currentissue.htm It has a big selection of English-language and translated haiku, as well as two haibun. We hope you'll enjoy it.A print edition of the twenty issues of Shamrock, the Journal of the Irish Haiku Society, as they appeared on the Shamrock website (SHAMROCK HAIKU JOURNAL: 2007–2011), can be ordered via our site. It comprises works by 248 authors representing 38 countries (translated haiku not included), and covers the full range of haiku in English, from classic to experimental styles, as well as haibun and selected essays on haiku. Anthony Kudryavitsky. Editor, Shamrock Haiku Journal. Dublin, Ireland
die Monatsbeiträge Dezember 2011 sind online haiku-art … haiku and haiga of the month Dezember 2011 are online: haiga - Claudia Brefeld, haiku - Karol Rosiak Eine besinnliche Adventszeit …a nice Advent season, filled with health. Ramona Linke
Hundred Gourds 1:1 is now online
The Fib Review Issue #11 has been posted to the Muse-Pie Press site. This issue features returning poets as well as poets new to the Fib Review, which represent an international community of poets from Canada, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. Shot Glass Journal Issue #5 features poets from Britain and Ireland in addition to international poets from Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, and the US. It also features formal poetry forms including the Tritina, the Jisei, the Mirror-Oddquain, the Ovielljo, the Rondel, The Shakespearean Sonnet, the Sijo, the Tanka, and the Triolet, as well as traditional and experimental free verse. We hope you enjoy Shot Glass Journal’s diverse style.
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LETTERS TO LYNX Ryan Jessup Don Ammons Dick Pettit Silva Ley Dan Barth Patricia Prime Edward Baranosky
Charles D. Tarlton ayaz daryl nielsen CONTESTS THE TENTH ANNUAL The 14th International Apokalipsa Haiku Contest. Shiki Monthly Kukai Japanese Haibun Contest. The Haiku Calendar The winners of the inaugural Snapshot Press eChapbook Awards Winnersof the Polish International Haiku Competition MAGAZINES
Haibun Today A Hundred Gourds Notes from the Gean Sketchbook The Ghazal Page Roadrunner Haiku Journal Atlas Poetica 10 Ardea Shamrock Haiku Art Hundred Gourds Fib Review Shot Glass Journal |
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Back issues of Lynx: |
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Next Lynx is scheduled forJune, 2012.
Send to: Werner@WernerReichhold.com | ||||||||||
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