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A Journal for Linking Poets |
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LETTERS TO LYNX . . .Kato Ikuya’s funeral was solemnly conducted on the 23rd May. As I said, I made my memorial address as a representative of his friends and literary acquaintances. I deeply appreciate your kindness in sending me your condolences on his death.I conveyed your condolences to his wife, sending a copy of your book review of 100 Selected Haiku of Kato Ikuya. Sincerely yours, Ito Isao
. . .so good to hear from you both as well. thank-you so much for accepting my poetry. no, the three tanka are quite individual so can be published however or wherever you feel is best. besides picking vegetables and canning i am working as often as i can on my poetry. i don't send out my work to a great many markets (like i did in those good old days!!) i really don't feel the need to prove anything anymore except to myself. i write because that is what i have done since i was 8 years old to express myself and, with haiku, to write about that special moment of a greater realization that sometimes i am lucky enough to capture. the two of you are a lot like our next door neighbours: you manage to do wonderful things by flying just a little under the wire. you do not boast because you do not need to. your kind works precede you both. i sure wish my jars of pesto and jam could make it across that invisible (and not so invisible) border. today is already very warm so our two big fans are blowing away the heat. dick and i moved three perennials because my ‘official’ perennial bed is getting crowded. it is a shock to them this year but they will do better when spring comes next year. i am having a late lunch so i will say good-bye for now. we will be chatting again. fondly, Jeanne Jorgenson . . Albeit late permit me to communicate my grateful thanks for “Cat in Its Idleness” which you kindly included in Lynx XXVII;1 of February, 2012. I’m reading Lynx XXVII:2 at present, but I take my time to that I might take note of what to reread later. If I may enclose the presentation pack of the postage stamps issued for the Olympics currently taking place in London. Wish my sincere thanks and best regards, Francis Attard. (Francis is the only person I know who is comfortable using the Roman numerals for issue numbers! His habit of sending stamps goes back to the early 90s when he kept several of my grandchildren supplied with his very special stamps for their collections. – jr) . . .write you a line to say that my haiku book My Loved Japan is on Amazon . You can find it at : www.coresi.net/e-books. Please, click on one of the three covers of the book .All my income, as author, from the sale of book , I donate to The Japanese Red Cross Society . Please, tell your poets /friends . Many thanks! Clelia Ifrim Liebe Freunde und Haiku-Freunde, "Haiku hier und heute", herausgegeben von Rainer Stolz und Udo Wenzel wurde am 24.7.2012 im Deutschlandradio Kultur besprochen. Der geschriebene Text entspricht nicht dem Radiobeitrag, der sich beim Klick auf die Überschrift öffnet: <http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/kritik/1819207/http://www.drad io.de/dkultur/sendungen/kritik/1819207/ . . .Just to let you know I am back home, in the land of the living, yawning non-stop and sleeping any and everywhere. Waiting for more biopsy results, and having daily scans, tests et al. on a daily basis. I have had a fair number of ops. and 'procedures' over the last three years. This one I definitely do not recommend. It is excruciatingly PAINFUL! But, after some time at home, the pain begins to thin (so they tell me). DON'T trust those doctors doing their statutory 6 months in a hospital. They will kill you without a second glance at their information books. Mine, aged 6 or 7 at the most, dehydrated me and then complained after 6 failed attempts to steal more of my blood. She then decided on a dose of a drug I know something about, so high it would cause serious problems, if not death! Fortunately an experienced Sister mildly suggested she refer to her 'superior'. Anyway, lovely to be sitting here able to moan away in the usual old manner. THANK YOU! Coming from you gives me a HUGE boost. Collections 1 - 7, have been a long time coming (9years!), but the intentional Series (see p7 of Intro) is now complete!. Any other will be 'self-contained'. Having had op after op over the last 3 years, I am becoming quite stoical about 'the next thing'. We shall see! Been told by Senior Consultant that I am clear of cancer (for the time being!), but that i must be re-tested in 3 months time and, all being well, every year for the next 5. Then, as he put it, "you can be released" From where I am sitting, I can't see it myself. Based on recent experience, 5 years is pretty optimistic. I am working on another Collection (based on removing less relevant ones in ABOUT TIME, and because Collection 7 was getting unwieldy), but it will not form part of this series. love to all! stanley pelter
CONTESTS The Irish Haiku Society International Haiku Competition 2012 has been announced! It offers prizes of Euro 150, 50 and 30 for unpublished haiku/senryu in English. In addition there will be up to 7 Highly Commended haiku/senryu. Deadline: 30th November 2012.
WINNERS Go here to see the winners
LETTERS TO LYNX Ito Isao john martone Jeanne Jorgenson Francis Attard stanley pelter CONTESTS WINNERS Shiki Monthly Kukai!
MAGAZINES Ardea 2 is now online at: www.ardea.org.uk Sketchbook: A Journal for Eastern and Western Short Forms by John Daleiden, & Karina Klesko haiku-art haiga by Christine L. Villa with haiku by Gabriele Reinhard Ramona Like The new issue of Shamrock http://shamrockhaiku.webs.com/currentissue.htm WEBSITES Chiaroscuro—by Janick Belleau in a special edition of Atlas Poetica. http://atlaspoetica.org/?page_id=599 The Ghazal Page for 2012 is now online. Here's the direct URL: http://www.ghazalpage.net/2012/issue_three.html The National Gallery of Art, exhibit of
Ito Jakuchu’s scroll paintings in Aril,2012 along with haiku written by visitors. Poetry Wall on your website. http://www.poetrywall.com . William Lam
CHO 8:2 July 2012: http://contemporaryhaibunonline.com/ A Hundred Gourds June 2012: http://ahundredgourds.haikuhut.com/ Haibun Today June 2012: http://haibuntoday.com/ Poetry Society of New Zealand carries favorite haiku
The new issue of Shamrock (No 22) is now available online at http://shamrockhaiku.webs.com/currentissue.htm It has a big selection of English-language and translated haiku, as well as two haibun and three reviews of the haiku books by Helen Buckingham, Clare McCotter and Svetlana Marisova & Ted van Zutphen. WEBSITES Chiaroscuro—25 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Tanka edited by and with an Introduction by Janick Belleau is available in a special edition of Atlas Poetica. http://atlaspoetica.org/?page_id=599Issue Three of The Ghazal Page for 2012 is now online. Here's the direct URL: http://www.ghazalpage.net/2012/issue_three.html The National Gallery of Art, in Washington, DC held an exhibit of I found your website on the Internet and was wondering if you would be interested in featuring our Poetry Wall on your website. We have poets from all over the world contributing to making it a great destination for wonderful poems. CHO 8:2 July 2012: http://contemporaryhaibunonline.com/ A Hundred Gourds June 2012: http://ahundredgourds.haikuhut.com/ Haibun Today June 2012: http://haibuntoday.com/ Sandra Simpson of the Poetry Society of New Zealand invited Werner and I to pick 10 of our favorite haiku and explain why we admired them. You can read the results at:
Annual Two Autumns Haiku Reading the longest-running haiku reading series outside of Japan September 23, 2012, from 1:00 to 5:00 pmFort Mason (room C-260) in San Francisco Bruce H. Feingold, Michael McClintock,
Naia and
Renée Owen (with musician Brian Foster) ~~Commemorative Chapbook of the Poets' Haiku Available for Purchase~~ Bruce H. Feingold lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife, Mady, and has two young adult children who live in New York City. He has been a practicing clinical psychologist for thirty years and is the author of two collections of haiku published by Red Moon Press, A New Moon (2004) and Sunrise on the Lodge (2010). A member of the Haiku Society of American and Haiku Poets of Northern California, he publishes regularly in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, bottle rockets and Mariposa. Some of his awards include First Place Season Word, in the Hawaii Education Association Contest, 2nd Place Hawaii Education Association Contest Season Word, honorable mention in the Haiku Poet of Northern California Senryu contest, Third Prize, 16th International "Kusamakura" Haiku Competition, and Commendation in the Haiku Foundation HaikuNow! contest. His haiku have appeared in the Red Moon Anthology of English- Language Haiku in 2005 and 2010. He views haiku as a psychological and spiritual healing practice and has written, "With its emphasis on nature and being, haiku is a wonderful way to express the rhythms of awakening from the confines of the ego and perceiving the 'infinite." His haiku reflect his connection with family, his sensibility as a psychotherapist, a life long passion as a naturalist, and practitioner of yoga and meditation.
This multi-mediation presentation about Japan's other short poem, the tanka, will include an original art installation, butoh dance, shakuhachi music, Japanese percussion instruments and a lecture. The lecture will explore the considerable differences between Japanese modern (kindai) and contemporary (gendai) tanka and current English tanka. Various schools of Japanese tanka and theoretical poetics will be described. Many poetic aspects will be explored including theme, topic, style, tone, diction and poetic voice. In modern Japanese tanka the role of nature has significantly expanded in ways which are not often seen in English tanka. Karl Young will accompany Linda Galloway with jazz improvisation and traditional music on the shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute). Don McLeod will accompany her with a world premier butoh dance, an avant guarde dance form arising out of the existential despair of Post War Japan. Linda Galloway, PhD (Encino CA), a former university professor and research scientist, is an internationally established and respected tanka poet. She has been anthologized in numerous volumes, awarded international prizes, and has spoken at poetry conferences in Australia and Tokyo, Japan. Karl Young, PhD (San Francisco CA) is a virtuoso shakuhachi player and by day a research physicist at the University of California medical school in San Francisco. Don McLeod (Sherman Oaks CA) is an internationally acclaimed movement artist who studied mime under the inimitable Marcel Marceau in France, and later butoh in Japan. Don owns his own dance company in Los Angeles and travels internationally to perform. The three will have books, CDs and DVDs available for purchase at the conference.
RENGA DAYS AT BROOMHILL On July 7th and 8th this year, a Renga Days event took place in North Devon England, in the Sculpture Gardens of Broomhill Art Hotel.
HAIKU NORTH AMERICA 2013 SAVE THE DATES for Haiku North America 2013. On behalf of the HNA Foundation Board and the local organizing committee, HNA conference co-chairs Deborah P. Kolodji and Naia are pleased to announce that Haiku North America 2013 will be held on board the historic Queen Mary ocean liner, permanently docked in Long Beach, California. The Queen Mary is steeped in history and old-word grandeur. Poets will walk the decks where such celebrities and dignitaries as Fred Astaire and Winston Churchill once walked, while enjoying Southern California's climate and the companionship of their fellow haiku poets. The Queen Mary has five restaurants on board, and there is easy tram access to downtown Long Beach. The local organizing committee has reserved a block of reasonably priced rooms on board, with both inside and outside state rooms available. As with past Haiku North America conferences, we are planning five days packed with haiku workshops, panels, presentations, and readings, as well as a haiku book fair and an art display. Come and meet editors, publishers, members of regional and national haiku organizations, and the people behind the names you readin haiku journals. The local organizing committee is planning to issue a call for proposals. Although the details will be announced later, it is not too soon to start thinking about how you can share your haiku expertise, energy, and ideas with your haiku colleagues. For more information as it becomes available: Members of the Local Organizing Committee to date: Coordinators to date:
INTERVALS The journey to full moon, the timespan of high to low tide, the lull from one wave to the next, the pause between breaths. INTERVALS - the spaces in-between, where humanityslows, observes, absorbs; there, where connection ismade through our senses, sensibilities, intuitive nature.
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Back issues of Lynx: |
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Next Lynx is scheduled for February 1, 2013.
Send to: Werner@WernerReichhold.com | |||
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