Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- Love is great and knowledge good.
But choose love, if choose you should.
- With the ones we like, we're always glad;
Without the ones we love, we become sad.
- Acts of love and a heart-felt vote
Do not wait for a thank-you note.
- Love without marriage, if disdainful,
Marriage without love is truly painful.
- A house is made of brick and wood.
A home is made with love and food.
- Love is grand, love is lofty;
Even if it just be biochemistry.
- Love since times very, very ancient
Has often been quite transient.
- Who loves the same one till age eighty
May be happier than those with some variety.
- Who declare, "I can't live without you!"
Do survive, when they're forced to.
- Love eternal is a grand illusion
That's fed by blind and mindless passion.
- A wedding is a formal break,
When leave of parents the children take.
- A married woman who keeps her name
Has a man's name just the same.
- The bride and groom who match today
May from each other drift away.
- All creatures mate to propagate
Humans mate 'cause sex is great.
- Those who marry for caste and creed
Think of humans as animal breed.
- They tell the world, when they wed,
That one with the other will go to bed.
- On the wedding day of your little one
Another family unit has just begun.
- Even those with a firm marital bond
May become of another rather fond.
- Love in marriage should such bond make
That, weak or strong, it'll never break.
- Love is a tree: it grows and it flowers;
Marriage its soil, its sunshine and showers.
- The best your child for you can do
Is to go in life farther than you.
- The young should first learn to read.
This must be their foremost need.
- Guide the young their way to find
With caring heart and thinking mind.
- To have children, some refuse;
When old, others' children they have to use. *
- If mom and dad get sick and old
Love for them turns weak and cold.
- When children are gone, we are alone
Only if we haven't a life of our own.
- Guide your young with love and trust.
When they are grown, leave they must.
- If, when young, one quits one's school,
Later in life, one feels like fool.
- After an age parenting must end;
Child should become a parent's friend.
- All loves can shift from one to another,
But mother's love for child will never wither.
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