Employing my cat’s tail to dust off the printer
its tiny lighthouse signals “out of paper”
out of an arrested thought busted and checked for
virtual fountains of older woods in progress
now oil now liquid:
a square of roots climbing intravenous heat.
Wasn’t the gray-haired driver seen in the software’s seat?
Two persons having the same dream calculating reality
thin singing
of one in love
the plucked
string vibrates
with another
gentle evening
madrigals chorus
of long-lost love
from the lute I find
the thrill of desire
Please, guidebook serve mapped help, show us the camels’ path to wells.
Shock stay away from comprehending what it may hold: a fata morgana.
I am flattered. I feel tongue-tied. I saw Moses’ basket floating by,
shades of faces not compatible with linear discoveries.
Read about fresh loans for a home if one buys in to an abounded child left
plus two pit bull puppies. All of the three Americans have equal chances.
the cat purrs a tune
just as old
accompanied by a stirring
below the belly's billow
coming inside
to a willing body's music
falling rain
arches over the dryness
as it enters a new life

a teacher wears
the face of years
folk wisdoms fluent
from fresh new mouths
entering dead mothers
the village maidens
resurrect lives as song
In the thrill of taking on a partner, both DNA tests show healthy solar plexus
and allergies for – damn – I forgot the angelic sequence.
Dining out - and then the uproar: the chewy part was a grilled Wolf’s brain.
Modifying joy, assuming the biography of a Queen salmon read aloud.
of a certain age
beyond caring
surprised by the intensity
of the simplest touch
a string quartet
pulls up so slowly
a heaviness
tied deep in a female body
feelings buried by the years
dripping – isn’t that stilled by the lilac’s blue? Spasms of a verse-club counting moments netted in a wire’s red.
Tempted by Egyptian walls the one relief I kissed a secretary revealing papyrus blessed by a Nile of nymphs
steps worn out stone after stone worn in feet |