Dear Werner and Jane,
I wanted to let you and Jane know that my book of ghazals Jalsaghar has been accepted for publication by Kariboux Limited: http://www.kariboux.com/http://www.kariboux.com. The book is tentatively scheduled for release on November 1 of this year. Just so you know, I have written a short note (for the Acknowledgements section of the book) about how The Ghazal Page( by Gene Doty) and Lynx have supported the development of the ghazal in English since the 1990's. Thank you so much for your very kind note! I am truly impressed with hearing about your efforts with Gaselen, not many people these days are familiar with the remarkable efforts of the German Romanticists with the ghazal form. Goethe, Schlegel, Rueckert, and particularly August Graf von Platten-Hallermunde (who by my count wrote 206 ghazals in German), all sought to develop the form in German. . . So needless to say, you are continuing in a very fine tradition and I commend you for your efforts—and I certainly hope there will be some recognition for you in the near future among the German readership. I appreciate very much your willingness to write a blurb for my book, and also, for accepting "The Incandescent Jacamar" for the October issue of Lynx. I will forward to you the last page from the Acknowledgements today and then the Word File very soon (probably tonight).With sincere thanks and many good wishes, - Steffen Horstmann
"Our" gifted Marilyn (we all want to own a bit of you!) won 1st place in the poetry competition for Eastwood Hills FAW annual literary awards. I was delighted to find out the names of the place getters today at the presentation. Anne (Benjamin) and I were the judges and Marilyn's poem was the clear winner from a group of excellent short listed poems. The judges had this comment to make on Marilyn's poem: "...a complex poem which uses strong, original imagery, is layered, evocative and powerful. This poem is an excellent example of economy of language and doesn't spell everything out."
Congratulations Marilyn! - Carmel Summers
Marilyn Humbert is author of BLACK BAMBOO - 1st place Eastwood/Hills FAW Literary Comp 2013 and you can read her winning poem in this issue of Lynx in Solo Sequences.
Following a workshop given by Beverley George to the Bottlebrush tanka group on how to write haibun in renga form, I invited Keitha Keyes, Marilyn Humbert and Anne Benjamin to join me in trying out this new form. They did and the result was The Talk of Women (in this issue under Collaborative Poetry). We had so much fun doing it that we decided to try another, Elemental Moods, then a third, Portals, gathering up Amelia Fielden and Carmel Summers along the way.
When we submitted one of these, Elemental Moods, to Jane Reichhold at Lynx, she pounced on it and asked if she could join in the next one. Naturally we agreed and so Finding Treasure was accomplished. Now, what to do with all these? They were too much fun to keep to ourselves, so we set up a website: www.haibunrenga.com
where they are all on display, along with our statement of purpose, the path we’ve taken, and some reviews. We don’t aim to establish a new genre, or aggrandise ourselves, but simply to share what we’ve achieved with anyone who might be similarly interested. Please feel free to check out the site and if you have any queries, or would like to own a hard copy of any of these, make use of the Contact Us page and we’ll be happy to oblige.
Jan Foster, on behalf of Amelia, Anne, Carmel, Jane, Keitha and Marilyn.
My program with Ron Moss and live Japanese music was very well received at the Pacific Asia Museum Sunday! Talked to Don McLeod last night and he has contacts with the huge Huntington Museums and Foundation. So we hope to go there. Sounds as if they have $$$ so we would want to invite Shirley Muramoto to come down and put on another "Gualala" program! I told you, didn't I that Ron and I wrote a book (in the last 6 weeks) from our program of one painting per poem. At the last minute he made a very professional DVD with all 70 sets of poetry + art from our program plus original shakuhachi music. I'll send you a book copy. Right now the DVD works in colour on the computer, but Ron didn't know the correct colour setting for U.S. DVD/tvs. He'll make more. DVD gorgeous!!!! He works for the state archive for restoration and preservation of historical films. Thus he knows all the software to make professional DVDs. We think ours is quite mesmerizing! Wheeeee! – Linda Galloway
A word to say that I won a prize which means a lot to me: 2nd Place in the International Betty Drevniok Award / Haiku Canada 2013. I have desired, for many years, to be amongst the 3 winners, one year or another. Here is my haiku:
cold winter day
she phones her mother who says:
« who are you? »
Bye for now. Janick Belleau
. . .It has taken me a while—there's so much in the issue—I was really drawn to the collaborative section—FINDING TREASURE and FIRST VERSE and BLAUER SCHIMMER all very interesting, the way those haibun work! They could be print books. Nu Quang—a discovery, and Elizabeth McFarland's haiga are the most spontaneous and wonderful things. Thank you for all this. And thank you for including me. I'm so glad to be there, among these others! Best wishes, John Martone
. . .Some wonderful exhibits happening locally in the world of art, books & the written word, all well worth checking out:
*ABZetcetera exhibit at Sebastopol Art Center, juried by Donna Seager & Suzanne Gray, begins 9/12, with an opening Reception that evening from 6-7:30 with the jurors (I'll be working that night, darn it). Books in the show include work by Eric Anderson & several of the Iota Press artists, as well as on of my own pieces.
*Not Just Landscapes exhibit at Sebastopol Art Center continues thru 9/7. Inspiring & broad interpretations of this theme, including a marvelous, huge encaustic piece by Sue Stover. They had a record # of 500+ entries for this exhibit to choose from. See it before it comes down next weekend!
*Travel Books, the new show up at Sometimes Books in Pt. Reyes Station. The loosely interpreted theme includes new (& old) work by Allegra Burke, Claudia Chapline, Zea Morvitz & myself. Limited hours & by appointment (check before driving out).
*Annual Box Show at Gallery Route One in Pt. Reyes Station. Always interesting & highly entertaining. Includes a few book-related pieces & a box by Claudia Chapline. Continues thru 9/8, with a live auction party that afternoon. Very fun!
Happy art trails! xo Renee Owen
A Hundred Gourds 2:4 is now online
The eighth issue of A Hundred Gourds, a quarterly journal of haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka and renku poetry is now online. The issue marks the end of our second year of publishing and we thank all of our contributors for making AHG the success that it continues to be.
http://www.ahundredgourds.com/ Haiku in Earth Language—Many thanks to Yoshiko McFarland for this issue’s feature: ‘Haiku in Earth Language’. Those of you not yet familiar with Yoshiko’s work will be both charmed and intrigued. Yoshiko uses her skills in visual arts to supplement and enhance a whole new language of her own creation, a language with its roots in the ancient cultures which lived close to the natural world.
Invitation to Contribute to Expositions and Features Mathew Paul has the Expositions well up and running in this issue with an essay by Hamish Ironside and several book reviews. He welcomes your essays/ articles and your commentaries on individual poems for the December issue. Please note that submissions to Expositions, like other submissions to AHG, are not to be simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Previously published work will be considered as long as full details of previous publication are included. As well, we are interested to hear from writers who would like to contribute a feature for AHG, to be published in 2014. Please contact Lorin Ford, initially, with a brief outline of the proposed feature. All AHG feature proposals are subsequently presented to the Editorial Team Panel for approval. Our aim is to provide one feature per issue, and the field is open to all haikai-related subjects and topics. Submissions Deadline The deadline for all submissions to AHG 3.1 (the December issue) is September 15th. This means that submissions intended for the December issue must be received by September 15th. We have an open submissions policy. Submissions received after the deadline will be filed for consideration for the March 2014 issue. Please check our submissions page for details and editors’ guidelines. Lorin Ford, haiku editor, for the Editorial Team, A Hundred Gourds
. . .An excellent site for haiku news is maintained by Sandra Simpson at
. . .Ardea no. 3 is in advanced stages of preparation, with many pages already coded ready for uploading to the website when everything is completed. I hope that this issue will prove to be as successful as the previous ones: certainly, the poets included are of the same caliber as those we featured in issues 1 and 2. However, due to a combination of factors outside our control at this end (work, families, health), there will be a slight delay this time in getting issue 3 completed. We are still hoping to have it published before the end of October, and ask for your indulgence and patience. Those of you who have not yet had work accepted for issue 3, can submit work and there is an outside chance – and I have to emphasis that it is only an outside chance – that I can review it in time for inclusion. If not, then I would be very happy to hold it over for consideration for issue 4. Finally, please remember that you can help to keep Ardea running by making a small financial contribution. This is NOT an appeal for large donations: even a symbolic contribution will be listed under ‘Sponsors’. Bilingual submissions are welcome at all times, provided that one of the two languages is English. In other words, we would like to see translations of short-form poetry (see below) into or from English, accompanied by the language from or into which the work was translated. (Trilingual submissions will be considered also.) Ardea publishes haiku/senryu, tanka, haiga/photo-haiku, haibun and individual or collaborative linked verse. We will consider articles and reviews that deal with multilingual work in these genres. Please email all submissions and enquiries to kinory(at)appleinter(dot)net With all best wishes, John Kinory
Notes from the Gean Literary Review is now soliciting essays, articles, book reviews, analysis of individual poems and any other resources or material that may be of interest to our readers which does not fit within the remit of Notes from the Gean monthly haiku journal. We already have some fine work, including pieces by Dr Richard Gilbert, and an interview with Prof Alan Spence and review of his latest book will also be in the literary review.Notes from the Gean monthly haiku journal is now archived by the British Library and is also soliciting submissions for the September issue all haikai genres, micropoetry, artwork, cartoons, multimedia, and cross genre works are encouraged. Please consult our submissions page: http://www.geantreepress.com/Submissions.html Here is a list of our guest bloggers for 'Haiku Matters' for the coming months. If you fancy a slot for a month (minimum of one post per week) please drop me a line.
September: Dick Whyte, New Zealand.
October: Charlie Rossiter, USA.
November: Dr Richard Gilbert, Japan.
geaneditor [@] gmail [.] com
Gene Doty is up to the 24th newsletter for The Ghazal Page. If you are not yet on his mailing list you can still sign up at one of these addresses. I hope you find it rewarding.
All the best, Gene Doty; gened@ghazalpage.net; genedoty@gmail.com; http://www.ghazalpage.net; http://genedoty.org
Haibun Today (September 2013) is now online.
The autumn quarterly issue of Haibun Today is now online for your reading pleasure at http://haibuntoday.com This new issue features an important essay on the history of British haibun by David Cobb as well as a broad assortment of book reviews by Melissa Allen, Penny Harter, Ruth Holzer, Chen-ou Liu, Bob Lucky and Patricia Prime. Writers are now invited to submit haibun, tanka prose and articles for consideration in the December 2013 issue of Haibun Today. Please consult our Submission Guidelines at Haibun Today.
Haiku Circle Meeting
Early summer in Massachusettes.

The Haiku Stone Path
The Haiku Stone Path, the newest project on the Gualala Arts Center grounds, was inaugurated on Saturday, August 17 at 4 p.m. as a part of 52nd Annual Art in the Redwoods Festival, with haiku readings by Laura Leigh and shakuhachi music by Karl Young.

Mendocino Music Festival, Invocation: Umi no Hi, A Celebration of Japan’s Ocean Day
July 21, 2013 2 pm, Cypress Grove, Mendocino Headlands State Park
Haiku from Dan Barth, Armand Brint, Theresa Whitehill, and Barbara MacKay
“Ocean Haiku” by Jane Reichhold, a piece for haiku voices & bells, performed by Jeanne Jackson, Gail Thompson, and Claire Skilton.
Members of the audience also had an opportunity to select and read haiku
Music by Karl Young, shakuhachi and Ancient Current: Ron Nadeau, Doug Smith, and Johnny Hubel
Haiku North America on the Queen Mary docked in Los Angeles
August 14 -18
