Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- Faith is an anchor; it keeps you on shore;
Doubt is a sail; it helps you explore.
- Those who swear that faith is true
Have only their own faith in view.
- If you wish a person's heart to break
Try that person's faith to shake.
- Don't remove a faith that is deep,
Unless you give ought else to keep.
- They're targets of peoples' rage and hate
Who time-honored faith desecrate.
- When pain and sorrow afflict the mind
In faith can one solace find.
- Faith may not cure physical ills;
But important needs it amply fills.
- Gods in temples can't subsist
If faith in humans doesn't exist.
- Faith isn't belief with no proof for it;
It's belief when proof is for the opposite.
- Faith is accepting something without a reason
Like eating some food without checking for poison.
- Not facts, but values are what one finds
In the myths and tales of ancient minds.
- Science's proofs and obscure theories
Aren't as soothing as age-old stories.
- Devils and spirits are called by us
Bacteria, germs and viruses.*
- Myths and spooks of ancient folks
Perhaps were only their dreams jokes.
- Myths were once stories serious
To explain the complex world around us.
- Who take mythologies as really true,
Can get crazy and combative too.
- Myths are often tales delightful:
Deep-felt visions, and insightful.
- The most ancient gods in human history
Are filled with magic, myth and mystery.
- True God belongs to our kin and kith;
What others worship, we call a myth.
- Myths see the world in terms too stark:
As good and bad, as light and dark.
- Whether God is or not a hypothesis,
God is joy and love and source of bliss. *
- The world has but a single Boss
Who decides our life and gain and loss.
- God may not be a spy on high,
Watching thoughts deeds from the sky.
- Music is one, but tunes are countless.
Icons are many, but God is formless. *
- Fear not the God Who is above:
For God is only mercy and love.
- Rain and thunder, sun and sky
May be the only gods on high.
- If a God there be, He must embrace
Saints and sinners of every race.
- God said, "Let a Big Bang Blast!"
That's how the world, it came at last. *
- God thought, "Let there be sound!"
Then said, "Let e.m. waves be all around."
- Is God a He or is God a She?
Some think they know, but don't ask me!
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