Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- Religions talk of heaven and hell
As where in future we all will dwell.
- No prophet's words are widely read
That warm admirers haven't spread. *
- Religions begin to degenerate
When all they do is God venerate.
- Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses
Ate and slept like all of us.
- When humans hunted and lived in caves
There were no priests or rites, or even graves.
- Pure truth in religion, if you wish to find
Keep history fully out of mind. *
- Of gods and scriptures we find no trace
In the early hunters of the human race.
- Reject not religions of the past.
Change and expand to make them last.
- Who authored sacred scriptures' pages
Were scientific theorists of bygone ages. *
- There's not a single religion indeed
That fought not with another sacred creed.
- Fanatics can be dangerous
If power they secure over us.
- Religious groups are good, you'll find;
When not close to others of a different kind. *
- For the true believer, this is the test:
He is sure his own belief is the best.
- If some religious folks have power indeed,
They'll dictate what one must and must not read.
- "God is great!" some loud exclaim;
Then fight and kill and also maim.
- Self-righteous fervor is a force indeed
That provokes wars as much as greed. *
- Religious bigots who're arrogant
Are of history quite ignorant.
- Of modern science, they know just naught,
Who cling for ever to ancient thought.
- Religions have a role to play,
But on everything, should they have a say?
- Religion is narrow if it doesn't care
For the poor and the hungry who're out there.
- How can asses that can only bray
Know the joys of those who pray?
- Scriptures must only be read.
Dissect them, and they will be dead.
- Prayer in truth is an effort to find
A cosmic link for soul and mind.
- The joys and thrills of God's embrace
Are beyond those who have no grace.
- Prayer is not to solve problems fast,
But to merge oneself with the cosmos vast.
- When all is well, and there's nothing to fear,
Not many pray for God to be near.
- When it's hard for one with life to cope,
Who prays to God gets some hope.
- When we're alone with danger around,
Then can the value of prayer be found.
- Prayer to God need not always be
A meek, beseeching, helpless plea.
- Prayer is a one-way mode to converse
With the substratum of the universe.
- Hindus say there's many a way
To search for God and to pray.
- The Judaic faith has this to say:
They're true to God who his laws obey!
- The message of Christ is short indeed:
Be kind and helpful to those in need.
- They call themselves devout Jains
Whose religion feels for creatures' pains.
- The Buddha's wisdom may be seen
In his simple rule of the Golden Mean. *
- God is great, Islam has said;
His sole messenger: Prophet Mohammed. *
- The Sikhs say inner peace to find
We must follow the master, keep God in mind. *
- Respect land and trees, rain and dew:
This is religion enough in Amerindian's view. *
- Chinese wisdom, it would seem
Is to be with Nature, follow the stream. *
- Be good and kind, take rational ways:
This is all that matters, the humanist says.
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