Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- If the racists hadn't done their thing,
Would the Nobel Prize have gone to King?*
- If heaven had not Hitler sent
Would Ike have become a President?
- If Chinese Reds bring their might to bear,
Would the world become a Chinaman's Square?*
- If the English hadn't crossed the sea
Would India now be growing tea?*
- If spices didn't in East abound,
Would there be Mayans still around?*
- If no cassette tapes in gay Paree,
Would Iran's history different be?*
- If the Prophet had not had a sign,
Would there be peace in Palestine?*
- If Muslims hadn't gone on and on
Would there now be a Pakistan?*
- If the Moors had not to Europe come
Would Europe have had the decimal system?*
- If the West had not to Arabia come
Would Arabs have petroleum?*
- If fish could sing and dance for us,
Would we catch and fry and eat them thus?
- Is it real or just a dream,
This conscious flicker on the eternal stream?
- Little babes that laugh and play,
What gods and angels worship they?
- Why were miracles, like some crimes,
Much more common in ancient times?
- If Venusian clouds filled our air,
Would we have known that stars are there?*
- A belief may be mindless, even blind.
If it harms no one, why should one mind?*
- Do flowers blossom, do birds coo
To give some joy to me and you?
- Why should the rich we respect
If one can't from them ought expect?
- If Soviet missiles on the U.S. rain,
Whence will they get their jeans and grain?*
- Is matter in motion the only thing
That makes humans dance and sing?*
- If up in China Moses grew,
Would God have spoken in Hebrew?
- If the Vedas were in Iceland sung,
Would Sanskrit be a sacred tongue?
- During the eons when Man wasn't there,
Who prayed to God, who asked Him to care?
- If God made Man in His image
Why does he grow so wrinkled with age?
- If the Turin shroud is of Christ,
Does that make Him a greater Light?*
- Why then did God wait so long
To include Man in his glorious song?*
- Can a just almighty God on high
Let hungry children starve and die?*
- Wouldn't heaven and hell empty be
If monkeys had n'er come down from tree?*
- How can the world be a divine plan
When it includes things like the Ku Klux Clan.?
- Should hell and heaven be brought to mind
To eschew bad, be good and kind?
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