Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- Lives and seasons come and go
All that is part of the cosmic show.
- Every change is caused by a change
And itself caused another change.
- The world evolves when changes come;
yet, some people's views don't new become.
- Time makes changes, it would seem.
But it's change that causes time to stream.*
- To see the world as time flows back
Just run a movie on the reverse track.
- No Man-made rule or authority
Is meant for all eternity.
- Too many changes can ruin a nation,
Too few can result in stagnation.
- Who their habits suddenly change
Appear to us as rather strange.
- Not every change does progress make
But every progress some change does take.
- All kinds of changes are possible
Most of them irreversible.*
- Pearl Harbor seems like a sneaky way
For Japan to get to its riches today.*
- The sun that gives us life and breath,
If too close it is, will spell our death.
- The blood by Aspirin is made thinner,
Whether of saint or of sinner.
- God, they say, is everywhere,
Yet churches, temples and mosques are there.*
- "Kill Rushdie!" He made that ugly sound.
Now he too has gone underground.
- That land has been by hatred torn
Where the Prince of Peace, they say, was born.
- Shadows of all by the sun are thrown;
But not a shadow of its own.*
- Astrology has failed again and again,
But credibility it does still retain.
- Science has awakened the human mind,
But its impacts on thinking hard to find.*
- "Love, be kind!" all religions state:
Yet religious enthusiasts fight and hate.
- Life is but a bumbling blast
From unseen future to changeless past.
- There's something wrong, something bad
If one can't be happy or even sad.
- Life is for crying and for laughter,
We know not what comes in the hereafter.
- In human commitment, this much is plain:
One cannot take on another's pain.
- When people fight to get some food
They can't be in a romantic mood.
- The urge to eat keeps each alive;
That for sex makes species thrive.
- If humans had just fingers three,
Our counting mode would different be.
- Not always smooth, life presents instead
Conflicts between heart and head.
- So many things are not our choice:
Like parents, birthday, and our voice.
- Intrinsic worth is not in face,
Nor in one's religion, height or race.
- It's sad when folks of a certain age
Are treated like some old garbage.
- Retirement is the boss-less chance
To read and write and play and dance.
- Old age doesn't mean the day is done:
Just time to give up physical fun.
- When mind is gone and body spent,
What use is it to death prevent?
- Old age is bad when there's none to care,
You are alone, no friends are there.
- Don't worry about your aging face:
It'll all be gone without a trace.
- In old age bring to a child some joy:
With songs and stories, or just a toy.
- In retirement, teach someone to read:
Answer to someone else's need.
- Lucky are the old who are wealthy;
And blessed the old who are healthy.
- Lose not zest for life, even when old.
That should happen only when the body turns cold.
- Fact is what there seems to be;
Truth is how it seems to me.
- Truth is not a thing you own,
It is a view of a precious stone.
- Things aren't always false or true;
Much may be there half way through.
- To claim I alone the Truth do hold
Is being more silly than being bold.
- If you possess the Ultimate Truth
You'll have at ninety every tooth.
- How can one with a finite mind
Truth not finite ever find?
- Truth is an image which in mind is formed
By what and how we are informed.
- The truth that we by thinking find
Is a concoction of the human mind.
- Who claims all truth, isn't just an ass:
He can be vicious, if power he has.
- We'll never know what It's all about;
It cannot ever be here found out.
- May the food we eat be well prepared!
May the joys of life with friends be shared!
- May hateful thoughts that mar our lives
Be shunned no matter what arrives.
- As a body needs a soul for fun.
May our home have bodies more than one.
- No matter how much we think or know,
Let's always to others respect show.
- No matter what our cause or creed,
Let not hate and rage move us to deed.
- Let's be good and kind 'cause it's swell,
Not because there's a heaven or hell.
- Let's pray for the good, and hardships face,
For everyone of the human race.
- Each day let's do an act that is kind
To anyone whom we happen to find.
- Let's remember there is nothing gained
If another human is in some way pained.
- Let's do our part to make come true
All our prayers and wishes too.
- Death is the last and mute retreat
From work and care and drink and eat.
- King or saint, bird or fly,
All earthly creatures must some day die.
- The one who is dead and forever gone
Cares not for those who continue on.
- We can't recall our days in womb;
Nor hear the wails at our own tomb.
- When death arrives, we all do wail
Though we know it is of no avail.
- Where are the smiles, and where the sighs
When one at last lies down and dies?
- The departed do not care a hoot
If all their wealth one tries to loot.
- May whatever we leave behind
Include words and actions that are kind.
- We stand up to walk, sit down to eat;
We lie down at last our Maker to meet.
10Is death a trip to heaven or hell,
Or the end of all? No one can tell.
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