Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- Pity the man who once had fame;
Which, having lost, lies low in shame.
- Punishment doesn't always follow the crime;
Oft only when one is caught in time.
- Some say it's murder weird and wild
When a woman wants to abort her child.
- Lawyers' wits are what decide
The outcome when a case is tried.
- Equal justice for all must be done:
Not punishment same for everyone. *
- If no one steals and no one robs,
Police and lawyers will be out of jobs.
- Criminals are caused no doubt by their roots,
As much as roots give rise to rotten fruits.
- The lawyer who can better argue
Shows the Truth, in a jury's view.
- Society gets into a sorry state
When criminals government permeate.
- Cut off the channel for the flow of semen,
Of men who rape helpless women.
- Laboring men are choked to death
By capitalists' unchecked greed for wealth.
- The wealth of nations does arise
From capital and free enterprise.
- More pitiful than lack of sense
Is economic dependence.
- Money is power, but also a tool.
It may be used wisely, or like a fool.
- The so-called science of economics
Can be serious stuff or only tricks.
- Any idea or thing can easily sell
If it is really presented well.
- Of what good is a whole pot of gold
If you can't of it get a hold?
- Only those who have toiled hard on earth
Pay the price for human birth. *
- There's no economic system yet
To erase hunger from our blue planet. *
- Economics is concerned more with wealth
Than happiness, fairness or moral health.
- History isn't a list of dates;
But a peoples' fortunes and their fates.
- There have been horrors in the past;
Their effects mustn't be made to last.
- The ancients didn't through telescopes peek,
That's why we have a seven day week. *
- The greater a people's achievements
The shabbier their alien encroachments.
- When it comes to past acts of shame,
Most races and people are the same. *
- Greater the good a culture has brought
Worse also the evil that it has wrought.
- Every people's history must speak loud
Of people of whom they feel proud. *
- When one's laurels now are not so vast,
One tends to extol one's distant past.
- Civilization often springs
From obsession with way-out things.
- Ideas die, however great
If there's no one them to propagate.
- News is not a fairy tale,
But gossip on a larger scale.
- The views you think are yours indeed
Come from TV, papers, and things your read.
- Once news was simply just happened;
Now it also tells us to what end. *
- Time, once come, can't again be seen
Unless it's the news magazine.
- If in ancient times they had TV,
Christ and Buddha we still could see.
- News is not meant a story to tell,
But a commodity that they can sell.
- Crime and violence make the news,
Also the journalists' own private views.
- During a day how many times
Do we read and hear of terrible crimes!
- Let there be a week when we don't report
Violence, crimes and what's fit for court.
- Anchormen think the world can't survive
If they don't show up on TV live.
- On a race or nation if a statement is strong,
Most likely it is funny or just plain wrong.
- You may be right, yet make not a case
To speak too low of another race.
- Apartheid was heinous crime
'Cause it was out of tune with its Time. *
- Powerless rage of a mindless band
Oft burns the flag of another land.
- Blessed the land which does not swing
To the left or right extreme wing.
- To change a group's or a people's ingrained way
Within their system one must stay.
- Race and religion, more than mind,
Can a people closely bind.
- A successful people is often bound
By some common purpose and values sound.
- The cultures of the world, I say,
Are like flowers in a big bouquet.
- East is East, and West is West;
What's yet to come will be the best. *
- They're fools, not traitors, who to spurn
Their country, its flags do burn.
- Free thought comes to a deadly stop
When fanatics reach a nation's top.
- Once a year, all nations should
Speak of their foes what's only good.
- With freedom's mighty magic chain
We can climb up and also go down the drain.
- Communism has failed indeed;
Capitalism has to yet succeed.
- Cursed is the wretched land
Where power changes not from hand to hand.
- Democracy is not all that neat
When people don't have much to eat.
- There's more in common than seem it might
'Tween the extreme left and extreme right.
- Tyrants cannot hold their sway
If dumb soldiers do not them obey.
- Politics is a dirty game,
But some have to play it, all the same.
- A healthy society must people link
Who the same way do not always think.
- Society will to ruin come
If, duty-free, all free become.
- When values are not to children taught
Society will surely begin to rot.
- Ordered society is attained
When human instincts are restrained.
- If each one cares for another one
Society's chores will all be done.
- Some who try to society change
Have their own problems rather strange.
- A society which clings on to values old
Is like a slave who is to ancients sold.
- A society needs some leaders great
Whom the young must emulate.
- A society is more than a people-group,
More than chunks and salt there is to a soup.
- We are frank and open when with friends
But with strangers all that ends.
- A single bright person can get things done
More quickly than a committee, with much less fun.
- A party is where many people meet
To gossip, pretend, and hors d'oeuvres eat.
- In groups where people laugh and joke
There's often a mean, and sulky bloke.
- When people gather to worship and pray
One should not think of a joke to say.
- When an officer in a platoon takes one to task,
About his health and family one must not ask.
- The respect that people for a leader express
Oft depends on his distance and also his dress. *
- With strangers we see in a plane or a train
At first we often a distance maintain.
- In every meeting that you attend
You'll meet or make a passing friend.
- Is there a meeting where men will dare
To show up just in an underwear?
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