Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- Art is statement of a deep-felt truth,
That also happens to please and soothe.
- It's humans who make and evaluate
A work of art as weak or great.
- Music isn't just note and beat;
But sound that's soothing and also sweet.
- Stories that are widely read
Are harmless lies, all nicely said.
- A beautiful face is a thing of joy:
Of man or woman, of girl or boy.
- People enjoy plays 'cause they partake
Of dialogues they can't themselves make. *
- The power of words is what is seen
In poetic descriptions of a scene.
- No art, no science, no song, no dance
For one who suffers from hunger pangs.
- By oneself one makes a work of art
The work of a scientist is but a part. *
- The forms of a truth are by art shown;
The truth behind facts is by science known. *
- Speech and actions fade away;
But written words for long will stay.
- Books that gather dust in dark
May sometimes light a sudden spark.
- Books and logic, we do not need.
The poor and hungry to clothe and feed.
- A stranger is like a book unread.
Dull or lively, it can't be said.
- Humans are the only creatures
That make music, art, and literatures.
- Glories of saints need books and sounds
To grow in time by leaps and bounds. *
- To just repeat what old books have said
Is paying homage to those who're dead. *
- Some books belong to every nation:
They've changed the face of civilization.
- A child is just some atoms, the way
A book is just some words, I'll say.
- To listen to the thoughts of a brilliant mind,
Read a book by it, if you can find.
- Moral codes aren't meant to find
Knowledge to illumine the mind.
- Comfort, control, come from wealth.
And wealth unshared is but stealth.
- One can't with logic justify
How love and kindness sanctify *
- Ought in excess, even of laughter
Brings pain and regret not long after.
- An extremist stand, on whatever cause,
Most likely will cause some pain and loss.
- Conscious hurting of another life
Is an evil sharp as any knife.
- Sex and love are not the same;
With love goes never blame or shame.
- Pleasures are for only you;
Joys are for sharing with others too.
- Those that deal in deadly drugs
Are viler than the meanest thugs.
- The simplest moral rule is one:
Willful harm must ever be done.
- From molecules came life and love:
This, more wondrous than stars above!
- Knowledge of a star's essence
Needn't rob us of a mystic sense. *
- Ecstasy is like an orgasmic joy
That mystics get from the cosmic toy. *
- Logic brings to mind some light
Mysticism brings to heart, delight.
- Not every mystic is a fake,
Though some may make a pure mistake.
- Science's truths can all be bared;
Mystic delight cannot be shared. *
- Mystics do some truths proclaim;
But not all mystics say the same. *
- Science without a mystic feeling
Is like medicine without too much healing.
- Mystic feeling is like a passing greeting:
Deep-felt but all too fleeting.
- Mystical joy without God or creed
Is like morality without laws, indeed. *
- Play on sounds, if you can afford;
The pun is mightier than the word.
- The Chinese tongue is too hard for you;
Yet millions speak it, and children too.
- Another language beyond your own
Opens the mind to a world unknown.
- People holding different views,
Don't mean the same by the words they use. *
- What to Romans it was simply sex,
To the Greeks the same was in fact hex. *
- The fiery word can arouse a mob
To peace or war, to save or rob.
- Though to the bard we're much beholden,
Speech is silver, and eloquence golden.
- Vibrations in air, when ought we say,
Can easily many meanings convey!
- Sounds from the mouth have of course
Changed sometimes history's course.
- The sculptor chisels beauty from a stone
The poet creates beauty from words alone.
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