Thoughts in Rhyme
By Rahomme de Linde |

- The tiny earth that seems but naught
Is home for life and art and human thought.
- I know not what our planet gains
From all the life that it sustains.
- Who can imagine a lifeless earth
Sans pain and joy, sans death and birth?
- The earth is a stupendous place indeed
On which billions thrive and daily feed.
- We can't destroy the land and sea.
When we are gone, they still will be.
- Earth is the only home that a human has:
Amidst stars and all th'interstellar gas.
- To sustain life many things are there:
Like land and water, light and air.
- The earth is unique, not in size or mass:
But because of water and its cloak of gas.
- Mars too cold, Venus too hot,
But earth is right for life and human thought.
- Jupiter's too big, Pluto too dark
Earth is right for Life's bright spark.
- Nature is just, Nature is blind.
It turns into God when it's also kind.
- Birds and beasts and fowl and fish
Know naught of stars, nor make a wish.
- If trees talked and we understood,
We wouldn't chop and burn their wood.
- Stars are small, the sun does rise;
These, in fact, are Nature's lies.*
- Systems that have pleasure and pain
Cannot stable for long remain.*
- Fruits and flowers may grow and bloom
When we all have passed our day of doom.
- At Nature's beauty, if no one looks,
It's wasteful as unopened books.
- Human beings everywhere
With joy at rainbows always stare.
- From colors do wonders come to pass,
Like the bright red sun to lush green grass!
- The seasons and the lunar phases,
Are Nature's breathing and making faces.
- Peace, not war, will be the fashion
When the motive force is pure compassion.
- It is not yet peace when guns don't kill,
If nations live in distrust still.
- While hunger, ill-health their tolls do take,
Bombs and arms we still do make.
- The world will be a beautiful place
If we respect every creed and race.
- It's through love, rather than with hate
That we can better mankind's future fate.
- Let's think about the distant stars
'stead of making all our stupid wars.
- 'tis not by force and armed might
That victory comes in every fight.
- When a nation needs food and schools;
Tanks and bombs are bought by fools.
- Places of worship that abound
Must search for kinship with all around.
- Not war, but peace, in our hearts we feel,
Unless we happen in weapons to deal.
- How come there is a world out there,
And I, of it, become aware?
- Nowhere in the Cosmos do we find
Anything like the human mind.
- Though stars may waves radiate,
Thoughts from them don't emanate.
- Novas, stars, like fish and trees
Don't seem to know of our species.
- Near distant stars we yet may find
Life of another form and kind.
- Silent stars are far and bright;
They care not a whit for the human plight.
- No final goal the world has willed:
Each moment is a task fulfilled.
- Bodies on the heavenly scene
May be by all humans seen.
- Frightened and pious they once became
When to the skies a comet came.
- In the limitless stretch of space and time
Only the human mind can think and rhyme.
- None of us is fully free,
We're all parts of a cosmic tree.
- There is no tight and opaque wall:
We live in a web, connecting all.
- Every plant and every creature
Has a role to play in the world of Nature.
- Mystics claim they've found at last
The Oneness in the Cosmos vast.
- A spark from the Grand Cosmic Whole
Shines in every human soul.
- Even the sun so far away,
On distant Pluto holds in its sway.
- There's not a spot in the cosmos vast
Where EM waves have not been cast.
- Not just for us that the world is there;
It's for one and all to happily share.
- We are like leaves on a sturdy tree
Whose roots lie deep in mystery.
- Through matter, energy we all are bound,
And through ideas, traditions, all around.
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